Absolutely Overwhelmed

Absolutely Overwhelmed

I don’t know if this happens to you, but sometimes I loose my might to fight, because I feel overwhelmed.  I’m faced with too many things and everything seems to much for me to tackle.

Let me explain.

In the last few weeks we uncovered a termite invasion in our house, horrors! Our truck had a very expensive break down. My computer crashed. The dishwasher broke. The refrigerator went out. The dryer quit drying. Family crisis.

When it all happens at once, it’s overwhelming. And that’s how it usually happens. It’s not just one thing. It’s multiple things, one right after another! Ahhh!

Absolutely Overwhelmed

Not only that, but also my yard. I have taken out locust trees repeatedly. Wayne is a craftsman, so I do things that don’t require carpentry skills. So sawing down the locust trees has been my job. He helps, but it’s my job. I cut them down last fall and pulled the roots up as far as I could pull. In February, for every place I had one in the fall, I now had two. I have chopped, hacked. pulled and chopped some more. I’ve poisoned, but now they had taken over the entire hillside! Ahhh! I was totally overwhelmed. I just wanted to go to bed. I had no more might to fight the locust.

Absolutely Overwhelmed

But going to bed doesn’t clear off the hillside.

In spite of how I felt I had to tackle my mountain. This is what I did.

Absolutely Overwhelmed

  • I got some help.
  • I developed a game plan.
  • I found the right tools for the job.
  • I broke it down into manageable pieces.
  • I got busy.

I think my strategy for clearing the locust from the hillside is a viable strategy for whatever may be overwhelming you. Whether it’s financial, physical, disobedient children or organizing a closet.

Life can be overwhelming.

Problems can be overwhelming.

When that happens we can loose our might to fight. Instead, tackle it.

What strategy do you use when you feel overwhelmed.

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