It grows a foot a day!
And you thought centipedes had a lot of feet. No, I mean it grows a foot longer a day, and yes, I’m talking about Kudzu. This vine covers everything and I do mean everything.
A humble start.
My friends in Chipley, Florida may be interested to know the kudzu got its humble propagation start in the US right there at Glen Arden’s nursery in 1920. It was imported and sold to be grown as animal fodder. It was fast growing and the animals loved it. Then the Civilian Conservation Corps planted kudzu along road ways to prevent erosion during the depression of the 1930’s. The federal government paid farmers $8.00 an acre to cultivate it. But something happened. What started out as a good thing turned into a monster! Not only is it a voracious grower, it is almost impossible to kill. They have found that some herbicides act as fertilizers for the kudzu. Kudzu consumes everything in its path…everything…killing and smoothering the life out of everything good around it.Addictive Behaviors
And that is exactly what addictive behaviors do in the lives of individuals that leave them unchecked. I don’t have to mention the tragedy and life draining effectives of alcohol and pornography addictions. Which by the way, would never become addictions, if they never participated in the activity the first time.Not wrong?
But now our culture, families, and marriages are suffering the results of addictions from activities that in themselves are not wrong. Playing video games can be fun, but can turn into a monster when you allow it to become addictive. Eating a piece of cake can be a tasty treat, but destructive to your body and health when you allow your appetite to rule your eating choices. The list continues to include sports, Facebook, television or even work. These are all good things in themselves, but become addictive and destructive when allowed to go unchecked without boundaries and limitations in your life.A weed or a flower?
I have a gardening rule that applies here, “If it is out of place, it is a weed.” I ask myself far too many times, why do the prettiest violets try to grow in the grass instead of where they belong? I pull them up and try to transplant them. My weigela, I have no idea what the real name is but it too is an invasive grower with lovely little yellow flowers and shiny green leaves. It wants to grow everywhere. It keeps me on my toes to keep it growing where it belongs. I set boundaries for my flower bed. I set boundaries for the grass to grow and when either violates those boundaries, it has to go…period.
But far too often, we live without boundaries. We want to eat two pieces of pie. Yes, I’ve eaten my fair share of coconut pie–too many times. Boundaries are essential if you want to prevent your life from being drained of vital time, energy and talent that enables you to fulfill your destiny.Addictive behaviors rob you.
- Change your attitude about addictive behaviors.
- They are life robbers, not friends.
- Time is a gift from God… value it too much to waste.

I value it too much to waste it!
Do you have one?
- Evaluate where you are spending your time–your money–your mind.
- How many hours are you spending watching TV? Time it, don’t guess–you’ll be surprised.
- Set time limits for all your hobbies. Don’t stumble into bed exhausted because you just had to finish one more level on a game or the end of a movie.
- Does it control you or do you control it? Chocolate. Bread. TV. Pinterest. Facebook. Games. Sports. Who or what is in control?
Self Control
Self control is a fruit of the Spirit. Fruit is grown and matured. It is not a gift or instantaneous.
- Galatians 5:22, 23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.…
- “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1 NLT)
- Ask God to help you use self control.
- Either stop the thief with self-control or lock it out completely. Control it or toss it! It must not control you.
Fill that empty space.
When you establish a boundary for your time waster, then immediately and purposely fill your newly allocated time and energy slots with something more meaningful and productive:- family times
- good books
- prayer
- learn something new