Grandbabies are so wonderful. Our conferences allowed us to spend a few days with our youngest granddaughter. Papa is famous for his Saturday breakfast and Keira had her first. Here she is helping Papa put the whop biscuits on the pan to go into the oven. You know what a whop biscuit is don’t you? You take a can of biscuits and whop them on the counter. That makes them a whop biscuit.
She is at such a precious age. This trip gave us the opportunity to see her reaction to her absolute favorite things. She gets so excited when she sees her soft pink striped blanket with the satin banding. Her face lights up and she grins, wiggling all the way down to her toes when her mom hands her that blanket. Her second favorite thing is her night time snack-blueberry waffles. It is sooo precious to see her squeal and laugh when they reach into the freezer for that pack of waffles. She communicates clearly what she likes and dislikes.
She assumes when her dad sits down on the floor that he has one intention-to read a book to her. She immediately crawls into his lap and waits for him to retrieve a book. And the amazing thing is, no matter what he’s doing, she get that book read to her. He’s putty in her hands. As a matter of fact, I think she has that kind of control over all of us.
And her favorite place to sit is a forbidden place- the opening of the refrigerator. Every time they open the door of the refrigerator she scrambles to sit down. Nana was busy taking her picture, but Daddy wasn’t happy. I’ve always wondered why parents were always so busy taking pictures of their children misbehaving instead of stopping it, but maybe instead of the parent taking the pictures it’s a doting grandparent like me.