I was discouraged. Maybe it was because I was exhausted and overwhelmed. Maybe I brought it on myself because I was looking at circumstances instead of the promises of God. But the problems were real and I couldn’t see a solution in any direction I looked.
It was the end of a year. I had never faced a new year feeling so hopeless. There had been many years that I wanted to dance because that year was coming to an end. I wanted to dance because I had hope that the brand new year would be better. I had hope that it would bring blessings and solutions, but that year, that optimism was missing from the lens I was using to view my future. Honestly, I dreaded seeing a new year begin.
We were at the cabin alone that year. Kimberly and her brood had come for Christmas and gone back home. Jason and his brood didn’t get to come that year, they had just moved to Michigan. Wasn’t sure when we would get to see him again. Maybe that was the source of some of my sadness. I prayed. I read my Bible. But I couldn’t shake the fear that surrounded the approaching January 1 on the calendar.
For years I’ve loved to pray the Redemptive Names of God. I don’t pray them all the time, but in specific seasons I start my prayer time that way.
7 Redemptive Names of God
- Jehovah-Jireh You are my Provider
- Jehovah-Shammah You are Present with me.
- Jehovah-Shalom You are my Peace.
- Jehovah-Nissi You are my Victory.
- Jehovah-Roi You are my Shepherd
- Jehovah- Tsidkenu You are my Righteousness
- Jehovah-Rapha You are my Healer
That morning as I prayed, I wondered, why are these names referred to as redemptive names?
Redemption takes us to the cross.
It means…
Recovery of something pawned or mortgaged.
Christianity Salvation from sin through Jesus’s sacrifice. Rescue. Recover. (American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.)
I knew many of the stories of first mention, where it dawned on a person that a specific trait was actually one of God’s characteristics.
They are redemptive because we see them at the cross.
After all these years of knowing Jesus, I am still awed by John 3:17 NIV “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
And Ephesians 1:7 NLT “He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.”
Jesus came to redeem us!
That means-
Totally forgive us
Cleanse us
Remove our guilt
Remove our shame
Make us a new creature
Adopt us into His family
Make our spirits come alive to God
Give us abundant life
Save us from Hell
Save us from eternal separation from God
There’s More!
But when I look at the redemptive names I realize redemption covers more.
Jesus purchased our healing, peace, and victory!
When something is paid for, I am careful not to leave it in the store. I make sure I take possession of it!
God has provided so many benefits that we fail to possess!
And when I pray His names, it causes me to stop and ponder His nature.
His Name Reflects His Nature.
My husband has lots of names. He is known to many people as Wayne. Sales people call him Mr. Holland or Robert. (Because they don’t know he never uses that name.) Our children call him Daddy. Our grands call him Papa. I call him Sweetheart. All different names that reflect who he is to that person.
When I pray, “Oh thank you, God! You are my Jehovah-Shalom.” I am worshipping God, but I am also reminding myself that God is my peace. He gives me peace-rock solid peace.
The Gift is More Than the Gift
It’s easier to recognize that truth when the gift is given by a child. When a child gives us a weed from the yard or scribbles on paper, we instinctively recognize the value far exceeds its market value. It is valuable because we recognize the person behind the gift. We value the gift because we value the person. We respond to the heart of love behind the gift. We respond to the intent of the giver.
Honestly, that morning as I prayed. I wanted peace. But what I needed was the peace giver. And as I prayed, “Thank you, God that you are Jehovah-Shammah. You are with me! You promised you would never leave me. You don’t just endure me. You love hanging out with me! You love me!” As I lifted my eyes from what I wanted from God to who He is, peace flooded my heart. Wow! God is so good!
I hope you’ll join me. And share this post with a friend if you were blessed.
I want to pray for you before I close.
Father, please bless my reader. Help them to know You better, to love You more and to experience you at a deeper level than ever before as You reveal Your nature to us! Because of Jesus and in His name we pray. Amen.