Childrens Ministry Workshop Titles
Get Visual
Skill Development
In Building Leaders Series
Learn how to use visuals to captivate and illustrate biblical truths. Visuals bring variety and excitement to your class. A wide variety of visuals will be illustrated. Ordinary objects to illustrate bibilical truths.
Getting the Most from Your Curriculum
Skill Development
Curriculum is the blueprint of what you want your students to become. This workshop will give you guidelines to help you select the right curriculum for you and your students. It will give you an overview of curriculum and available resources. Cooking Up a Great Program
Skill Development
Compares cooking with putting together a great program. Want to organize a great children’s church? This workshop will give you practical ways to pull the creative arts together to make your children’s worship time exciting and effective. 5 Ingredients to make a great Children’s Church.
Purpose Driven Children’s Ministry
Skill Development
This workshop will help you plan a complete children’s program with purpose instead of many fragmented programs.You’ll see it’s easy to use object lessons that will grab student’s attention and increase learning.
More Than Music
Skill Development
In Building Leaders Series
Music is a vital component in children’s ministry. It is more than fun. It can be more than just atmosphere, help the children learn to praise and worship God using music. Workshop includes inspiration and practical ideas.
Involving Kids in Ministry
Skill Development
In Building Leaders Series
When we train children to be involved in ministering to others, that love for ministry will continue in their adult life. We’ll discuss lots of fun ways and practical suggestions that put feet to Biblical training.
You Can Tell a Great Story
Skill Development
Every one loves a good story. Good story telling skills are essential in every facet of ministry. This workshop is designed to teach basic story telling skills to develop the story teller in you. Ideas to help you prepare and present your story.
Carrying the Torch
In Building Leaders Series
This workshop compares the honor of carrying the Olympic Torch to the honor of teaching people about Jesus. It is a reminder that teaching really does change lives. You’ll be challenged to let pick up the torch and run the race God has set before you.
Discipline That Works
Skill Development
In Building Leaders Series
Learn ideas and classroom structure that will help you prevent and handle disciple problems.
Make the Bible Come Alive in your Class
Skill Development
In Building Leaders Series
Would you like for the characters to come off the page to be real people with problems just like the ones your class faces everyday? Learn how to tell exciting, life changing Bible stories.
Catching & Feeding Precious Volunteers
Skill Development
In Building Leaders Series
Practical suggestions to help you recruit the right worker for the right position. You’ll learn ways to keep workers motivated, feeling important and how to equip them so they will keep burning instead of burning out!
Grab them with Object Lessons
Skill Development
You’ll see it’s easy to use object lessons that will grab student’s attention and increase learning. Ordinary objects from your pantry, house and the kid’s toy box to teach biblical truths.
Communicating with Millennium Kids
Skill Development
You’ll learn ideas and methods that will help you communicate effectively with today’s millennium child using more than auditory skills. Important strategies that will help you develop strong communication skills.
Visuals and Illusions
Skill Development
Lots of creative ideas and trick illusions for illustrating the gospel with objects from around the house, nature and gospel magic tricks.
Marketing Your Ministry
Skill Development
Your ministry should not be the best kept secret in town. People have to buy into your vision to support it with finances and staffing. Advertising is a key ingredient to help your church catch and keep a vision for children.
Costumed Characters
Skill Development
This is one of my favorite ways to add some fun. Dress up the funniest person you can find and let them develop a zany character that approaches the lesson theme from their viewpoint. This workshop will take you through developing the character, costuming and ideas to make it effective.
Trees of Righteousness
In Building Leaders Series
Uses parallels from the sequoyah trees in the Sierra Nevada mountains to illustrate Isaiah 61:3 trees of righteousness. As a teacher we need to live out our righteousness. We need to be role models for the children in our classes. |