The calliope of colors was mesmerizing. The unseasonably cool morning was a great companion as I sipped coffee and watched the sunrise. Curled comfortably on the porch enamored with God’s billboard and the soothing sound of a gentle breeze blowing through the leaves. Soft, little creatures climbed from their hiding places and began their morning rituals. Bunnies with soft, white tails nibbled and skipped in the yard. A rooster in the distance crowed proudly! Dark violet turned lighter and lighter blue. Pink. Orange.
Golden highlights lined the clouds like a gold light bulb.
Then the first light of the fiery sun peeked over the mountain. I turned to watch the golden sunlight filter through the trees and over the valley. It was breath taking.
I understand every sunrise is supported by the laws that God has put in place to rule the day. The laws of Science that make the sky red or gold are like the chemicals in a fireworks display that produce specific colors as they explode in the sky. Weather Science laws that produce glorious colors are put in place by God’s deliberate design, like a fireworks designer. While a fireworks artist knows the colors each chemical will produce and then selects them accordingly, God put the laws of natural Science in place that produces each amazing color in a sunrise or a sunset. This is just one of many facets of creation that give us a quick clue to the magnitude and scope of His ability.
God’s Billboard
Although, it is nothing like the black and white billboards along the road side, which by the way I absolutely love. The morning sky is God’s billboard. For a fisherman the sky warns of impending bad weather or forecast a great day for fishing. For a farmer it brings the promise of showers or glorious, nutritious light. For a shepherd the morning sky propels his guiding steps toward shelter or lush pasture.
For me, curled in a rocker on the front porch, it was a good morning kiss. It was a welcome sign, saying “Good morning. Come on in.” A reminder of how big God is. A reminder of His majesty and power.
And like Moses, I responded.
It wasn’t with the fancy framed words of a wordsmith. It went something like– Wow. Thank you!
God you are so awesome. You are WOW! You are

My response was simple, heartfelt worship, that left me faith filled at His faithfulness.

So many hurts and needs.
My prayer list seemed so long. The needs of friends and loved ones pulled me out of bed before the roosters. God’s billboard was a much needed reminder that He is bigger than our greatest need, mine and the people I prayed for. The same God that rules the night and paints the morning sky with light wants to bring the light of His love into the dark situations in people’s lives. The dark lies they’ve been told. The fears that push them into dark, narrow closets. The disease that robs them of life and vitality. Prayer opens the door for His light; His grace to penetrate and illuminate that darkness.
The darkness, not the light, the darkness is the beginning of a new day. So if you are in a dark place celebrate the beginning of a new day!
Lamentations 3:22, 23 “It is of the Lord ‘s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”
Thank you, Father, for that reality. Your mercies are new, brand new, an ample portion of your mercies are prepared for my new day, even when its dark. A new day holds new opportunities. New peace. New grace. New miracles. New faith and definitely new mercies.
Thank you for your reminder, your billboard. Thank you for giving me eyes that see and understand beyond what I can see with my natural eyes, so I don’t miss your glory, so I don’t miss your love. So that I don’t forget you are faithful, amazingly faithful! So I don’t miss your reminder that bolsters my faith and aligns my focus and keeps me praying and believing.
Father, because you are faithful I am full of faith that nothing is too big for you! Thank you, for the brilliant sunrise I enjoyed this morning!