If spring is a date on a calendar, spring has arrived…
but it is obvious that the weather hasn’t checked the calendar lately! At least where I am right now.
The trees don’t even have a fringe of color…
they are still stark naked…pronounced “neck-edd” in southernnese.
But this southerner isn’t in the South and its been cold and overcast and dreary where I’ve been.
I was snowed in for two days in March! Now don’t misunderstand me. I loved it! LOVED IT! It was so beautiful! 8 inches of beautifulness carpeted everything! I shoveled snow for the first time in my life.
Last Friday, last Friday, yes, last Friday our car had snow on it when we left for our last Power Up Retreat.
It was the first day of spring…but it didn’t look anything like spring. It took the voice of a friend to remind me…it’s spring. We are ready for the cold to be over. She was ready and looking for a new season.

I guess the answer to my question really depends on where you are right now?
Sometimes we need a reminder
My friend’s words caused me to look for signs of spring…buds…tinges of green or pink leaf packets at the end of stem waiting to burst open…but nothing.
The season you are in depends on where you are. If you are below the equator it is fall, headed toward winter.
But more important…
What season are you in spiritually?
Are new things budding…growing
“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

And I believe God is calling to people frozen with fear or unbelief, “come with me!”
“My beloved spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.” Song of Solomon 2:10,11
Do you hear His voice calling to you?
Come with me! His presence thaws us!
His love brings breakthrough.
His presence brings hope as we walk through pain.
His presence breaks chains of depression.
His presence brings practical wisdom of what to do and how to do what needs to be done.
Come with me!
Come with me. Three simple words that are life changing when obeyed instead of only read.
Written to inspire.
Written to be obeyed.
Get in His presence.
That means:
Read Scripture.
When you can’t see it…
when it’s too dark to see anything at all…
when you’re too afraid to open your eyes…
when tears blind your eyes…
Snuggle close in His presence.
Lean into His Words.
And by faith open your eyes,
look where He’s pointing
and see what He sees.
Listen. He’ll show you.
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalms 16:19 NIV
Practical Steps
Often there are practical steps that must be taken to move out of the old season and into the new.
Declaring God’s Word?
Talking to a Counselor?
Getting some rest?
Developing a close friendship?
Repenting to God or the person you’ve wronged?
Developing a habit of Scripture Study and prayer
Break through prayer.
Feeding on Scripture that builds your faith.
It’s a new season…
but whether you recognize it or not…whether you experience it or not…depends on you.
Timely word for me for sure. The Isaiah verse especially as I Stand on the cusp of that New Thing. Thanks Pat.