Problem solving is no problem when the situation is clear cut and dry. But most problems come with a cloud of fog that seems to envelope the whole situation. So, how do you navigate through difficult situations when you can’t see clearly?
When the coffee was ready, I grabbed a cup and headed for the back porch. I was excited to drink in all the Fall color beauty, but I couldn’t see anything. A bank of fog covered everything. I expected the fog to lift at any moment so I had my devotions on the porch; it didn’t lift.
(Maybe you would rather listen to my thoughts?….)
I went inside to start my work, peeking outside every half hour or so, but the fog didn’t lift at all that day. In fact it got worse before it got better. That cloud of dewy wetness covered my porch leaving the cushions too moist to use.
As I strained my eyes to see I thought about times I’ve had to navigate through problems that I couldn’t see what my next step should be. Some of those times I have been more successful than other times.
As I stared at that fog I was reminded of 3 words that can help us be better problem solvers when we can’t see clearly

Problem solving when it’s foggy.
You can access:
1. Hindsight
2. Insight
3. His Sight
Remember what you already know.
That’s important because our mind tends to go ballistic on us! It wants to go off the deep end with what if such and such happens? That feeds fear and fear makes our thinking foggy and hinders problem solving.
When I look out from my porch at the fog I remind myself, it’s really beautiful out there. I can’t see it, but I know there’s incredible beauty hiding inside this bank of clouds.
We are so quick to forget. So do what David did in the Bible at Ziglag. He encouraged himself. He rehearsed what God had done in the past.
Rehearse your victories.
What has God done for you in the past?
If you’re a new believer or having trouble remembering, then go to Scripture and use some of those accounts.
Remind yourself how good God is.
Remind yourself and begin to praise God for His great goodness, power and mercy. The God that delivered 3 men from a fiery furnace is still working miracles today!
If you don’t have a list of victories you should get you a notebook or file on your computer and start writing them down right now.
Lamentations 3:21-23
21Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
22Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
Jeremiah was intentional.
Intentionally feed your spirit.
Remind yourself, so you don’t lose hope, so you don’t lose your way!
Insight helps us answer the question, “What is really going on here?”
Most folks want to deal with the fruit and not the root. That only perpetuates the situation. Insight comes from wisdom and understanding.

Psalm 119:99 NIV
I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.
Proverbs 5:1 NIV
My son, pay attention to my wisdom, turn your ear to my words of insight,
Ask for wisdom.
James 1:5 NLT
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.
I know you know to do this, but the power of the verse is not just knowing you need to ask, but in actually asking God for wisdom. Then take the time to listen. It’s just rude to ask a question and then not take the time to listen.
His Sight
We totally understand that when we stand on the top of a mountain we can get a better viewpoint. From that viewpoint we may need binoculars to see the redbird in the tree or details below, but that viewpoint gives us a broader perspective.
Oh dear friend, I want to remind you that God sees it all. His viewpoint is wide and deep. It is both immeasurable and microscopic. God says my thoughts (Isaiah 55:9) are higher than your thoughts. His viewpoint is from a perspective that allows him to see the situation as it really is. The exciting part of this is that He wants to share His perspective with you.
Psalms 32:8 NKJV
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.
Seek His will.
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Don’t forget He wants to help you with problem solving.
He is with you in every situation. Good and bad.
He knows the best path for you to take. He will show you even when everywhere you look is foggy!
God bless you. Remember I’m praying for you. God has a good plan for your life. You are an overcomer.
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