The Dentist Office is one place that I am famous for “White Knuckling It”
I ask you if you are “white knuckling it” because I realized that’s what I did. And as usual I want to tell you what I learned from what I did.
Does the very words dentist set your teeth on edge? It does mine. I hate the dentist!
No, not the dentist. The words “I hate the dentist” aren’t accurate. It sounds like I hate a person, but my dentist is a gentle, kind man. It’s not really going to the dentist that I hate. The trip is short and uneventful, unless I miss my turn.
My problem isn’t even with the dental office, they are competent and attentive. It’s not that the process is painful. I’ve never screamed or writhed my way out of the chair…but I still hate it. I “white knuckle it” from the minute I get there until I leave.
My dentist had an emergency one day and I spent 3 and a half hours white knuckling it. I left exhausted.
What is my problem? Why am I white knuckling it?
While the smells and sounds bother me, I am a stronger person than allowing some sounds and smells make me that uncomfortable!
I wish Wayne could go back with me to face the dentist, so I didn’t have to face the dentist alone, but I’m a big girl now and I can do this. I can do this!
While I’m not crazy about the brief little pinch when they start the numbing process, I have far greater pain tolerance than to let a little pain get my goat!
So what’s the big deal…why did I come home totally drained and go to sleep after a simple uncomplicated filling?
Silly, huh! I even distracted myself by reading a great Christian book, but the fear still raged in my heart.
And it sapped my strength.
Fear is the big deal, not the dentist.
Maybe the dentist is no big deal for you…
but the world around us is giving us dozens of reasons to be afraid.
We’ve believed their reasons for being afraid.
We have believed the lie that fear is normal!
When we think it’s normal to be afraid
the fear rages inside us instead of around us.
Response to Fear
Some people respond to fear with anger.
And some retreat.
Then there are times we do both.
The paralyses of fear keep us from seeking answers,
truth and
Fear of Man
We think it’s NORMAL so we embrace the fear of man instead of humbling our hearts and walking in the fear of God, which by the way results in peace. REAL PEACE!
The Answer
In the previous teaching I shared Hebrews 10:36 NLT with you. The first part says, “Patient endurance is what you need now.”
Maybe those words “patient endurance” paint a picture of ”white knuckling” the entire experience like my trips to the dentist….

The truth is the exact opposite.
God is inviting you into hope filled waiting.
Waiting that is tied to the expectation of GREAT and PRECIOUS promises being fulfilled.
Expectant waiting that is tied to the resources of Almighty God Who loves you beyond your ability to comprehend.
Like a persistent little squirrel goes after the sunflower seeds in a bird feeder with one objective, please, please don’t forget there is a thief that has one objective… …one objective…your destruction.
Why didn’t I recognize my fear and deal with it? Why did I allow myself to be so tormented?
I thought it was normal…so I agonizingly endured it.
The truth is we have what we tolerate.

Yes, we are facing some tough situations that could make us crazy with fear…that’s enduring the situation.
His Presence
Or, we can run to Jesus and humble our hearts before Him…Don’t bow to the fear…but humble your heart before Almighty God. There we worship and begin to recognize the benefits that He made available for us through His death and resurrection.
In His presence we recognize that He, the GREAT I AM, the Almighty God, is holding our hand. He is with you!! He is with you!
His presence and the authority of His Word enable us to stand boldly against fear of every kind. Out of that revelation of “WHO HE IS” we can resist fear…command that fear to go. Fill our hearts with the truth of God’s presence and love. Stand on the Word.

Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised. Hebrews 10:36 NLT