A love letter is a wonderful way to communicate love!
I know about a love letter. Before we were married, Wayne served a tour of duty in Vietnam. He worked 14 hours a day, 7 days a week repairing electronics on airplanes. The heat and pressure was exhausting, but somehow every day he found time to write me a love letter. Everyday. He was committed to me and he lived out that priority by writing me consistently. I lived for Wayne’s love letter. My ears were tuned to hear the mail truck long before it buzzed down our dirt road. If I wasn’t in school I checked the mailbox several times a day to see if I had any mail. Then when I heard the mail truck coming, I would run to the mail box. There I would wait, impatiently, very impatiently until it pulled in front of my box. I even hopped into my car one day and met the mailman down the street; he wasn’t allowed to just hand me the mail so I had to go home empty handed.I didn’t get a letter everyday.
Then some days I would get a stack of letters. I didn’t wait until I got inside the house to read my precious love letters. I ripped the envelope open, standing in the front yard and reading precious words as I walked. Then I would reread it again and again. His words filled my heart. They made me want to be with him. They made me love him even more. It wasn’t that Wayne wrote such beautiful words or that he had enclosed a winning lottery ticket, those letters just communicated his deep love for me.I loved him.
I read those letters eagerly because I loved the author and I wanted to know what was on his heart. Also, I wanted to hear how much he loved me and I wanted to get to know him better.That’s exactly the same reason why I read the Bible.
You see I… know the author and I love Him! want to hear how much He loves me! am desperate, absolutely desperate to know Him better.His Words give life
Proverbs 4: 20-23 NIV
20My son, pay attention to what I say;
turn your ear to my words.
21Do not let them out of your sight,
keep them within your heart;

22for they are life to those who find them
and health to one’s whole body.
23Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
Life. Health. To all that find them.
To ALL that FIND them.
His Love Letter is for you!
I’m certain about that! Absolutely certain. God loves you! No matter where you are or what you’ve done God loves you!! Enough that He sent His son to save you and give you new life in Him. When you begin to read God’s Word as a love letter it will change how you read it. You will realize every word of it is wrapped in love, wisdom and grace. God is good, period; even when His words correct us and directs us in a direction we don’t want to Go. There’s a question I must ask you…
Do you love the author?
Have you gotten distracted? Discouraged? Busy?
Get honest with God.
Ask Him to help you fall passionately in love with Jesus! Recharge your passion for the things of God by getting in His presence through thanksgiving and worship.
Have you made God’s Word a priority?
No, this isn’t a guilt trip! It’s a reality check!!! And, we all need one from time to time. Is reading the Word of God a part of your daily routine? If it’s not, then it’s time to change something!!! What are you saying yes to that is robbing your yes to God? What one thing needs to go so you have 10 minutes; let’s start there to spend time in God’s Word.
This is not time to make excuses.
You need God’s Word in your life. John 6:63 NLT The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
There’s more at stake here than just feeling loved.
The enemy is after your heart. Your heart, your attitudes and actions are shaped by the things you believe. The enemy of your soul is bombarding the world around you with lies; sneaky, leaky, poisonous lies that sound good, make folks look good or important…but the end of those lies is death. If you think you can just ignore the bad, without feeding and nourishing your spirit with God’s Word, there will be a great void in your heart.
Make Bible reading a discipline… a routine…a habit.
3 Keys for more effective Bible reading.
Ask God to show you things as you read. Ask for understanding.
John 14:26 NIV But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
Write down what God shows you.
Even if it doesn’t feel like a big deal. Steward what He gives you. Then think about it. Go over it. Luke 2:17 NIV But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
Let God’s Word soak in…
like you would rub hand lotion on dry, cracked hands or heels. He loves you so much that He wants you to live in His truth. He made you body, soul and spirit. His plan brings health and wholeness to every area of your life. He isn’t a big killjoy in heaven. His plan has always been to give you abundant life.
Establish God’s Word as the final authority in your life. Psalms 119:11 ESV I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Just do it! We do things that are important to us. Decide in your heart that Bible reading is important and schedule it accordingly. While we are on the subject- Right Thinking Begins With Right Listening Does What You Think Matter?