God Made in His Image.
In this podcast I want to remind you of something important. You were made in God’s image. That make you priceless! That knowledge should and can make a huge difference in your life! Look at Genesis 1:27 NIV “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Grasp that one truth and you will be more confident.
God created formed and shaped you in your mother’s womb.
Fashioned from the very imagination of God into the likeness of God to be His representative. That reality is at the very core of the sanctity of life.
Made in His Image
Made like God…in His imagine…
Grasp the magnitude of that reality. God created you in His image.
God is:
Faithful and True (Rev 19:11)
The Truth (John 14:6)
Love (1 John 4:8)
Just (2 Thess. 1:6)
All powerful (Matt 28:18)
Holy (1 Peter 1:16)
Everyone of us, regardless of abilities, disabilities, beauty or blemishes is valuable beyond measure because we are God’s masterpiece.
Valuable, no Priceless
Psalms 139:13-16 says it best;
13For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Quoting these Scriptures should be part of your regular routine.
We were trying to sell a truck.

We didn’t use it very often; but it was in great shape, and it should be benefiting someone. So, my husband put it up for sale at a really good price. Almost immediately we began to get calls. Most callers were genuinely interested. One caller blasted my husband with a ridiculous offer, “I’ll give you $800 for the truck.”
It was a ridiculous price. Wayne, just chuckled, “Oh, no you won’t! I know what this truck is worth.”
Do you know your worth?
When you know you’re worth, you’ll stop selling yourself short.
Made In His Image
3 Reasons you need to know your worth.
1. It makes you confident.
When you know your worth, you; are confident, walk in that confidence, make better choices, try new things and step out of your safe little place.
2. It makes you more productive.
You will accomplish more, because you begin to believe you are capable of achieving more… in life, in relationships and in your vocations. You will begin to value the talents and gifting inside and use them to give and/or create the things that would enrich your life and the people around you.
3. It even makes you more respectful of others.
When you recognize your value, it causes you to recognize other people’s worth as well. When we do, we treat people with respect.
4. God loves every person that He made, like a Father loves their children. That truth has made me more forgiving.
I realize that even the person that just behaved like a “bonafide rascal” (isn’t that a lovely name for them) is somebody that Jesus loves. When I’m having trouble forgiving, I deliberately remind myself, God loves ______ (“I put the rascal’s name in the blank.) and I will treat them appropriately.
5. He doesn’t make us do the right thing. He gives us choices.
God loves you, whether you make wrong choices and good choices. There is nothing we can do to make God stop loving us.
6. You are not a child of God unless you have been born of God’s Spirit.
Your choices can separate you from fellowship with Him. He longs for you to love Him and serve Him. We all need a Savior. Repentance and faith in Christ Jesus is the only way to God. Without repentance and faith in Christ, a person’s spirit is dead in sin.
When a person repents and turns to God through faith in Him; they are made alive unto and become God’s child.
Maybe you’re asking, so how do you begin to recognize your intrinsic worth as a divine masterpiece of God?
Stop using the wrong measuring tool!
You use cups to measure flour. You use a measuring tape to measure a board. Use the right tool to measure value.
Your bathroom scales cannot tell you what you are worth…they only tell you what you weigh. Stop assigning the wrong metric to your weight.

Your mirror reflects your face, but not your worth…don’t give your mirror the power to assign your worth.

Your mom’s opinion, your husband complaint, your grade school teacher’s insult is only a viewpoint, not an accurate evaluation of your worth.
The only place you can discover your worth is through God’s eyes.
Look in Scripture to see what God sees. God wants to show you. He wants to give you a glimpse of what His divine design for you really is. Let the Bible be your mirow.
Listen to His whisper when you come into His presence…as you walk in obedience and obey His instructions you see gifts that He has deposited in you…
You were made for God’s Power.
You need God’s power like an electric hair dryer needs electricity.
He wants to empower you. He has called you to partner with Him. Wow! Think about that for a minut
As you receive His love, you’ll be able to pour it out through your life…You’ll experience His wisdom…His grace…to be and become all God made you to be.
You might be surprised…but He won’t; He saw it in you all along.
The Touch of the Master’s Hand by Myra Brooks Welch (patriciaholland.org)
How to Turn Fun Into Work – Patricia Holland

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