
Christian Speaker
Workshop Leader
Teacher Training

Preacher. teacher. blogger.
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One word can describe the ministry of Pat Holland. It is passion. A passion to share with others how to teach the Bible in such a way that it will touch and change lives. Her special talent of storytelling creates excitement and enthusiasm in each workshop or conference in which she is a part. Her passion is only surpassed by her sense of responsibility to her calling to help teachers make the Bible come alive to their students.–Bill D. Wooten
Pat Holland is an anointed teacher and speaker with her own unique style of communicating. She is a favorite among teachers of all areas of children’s ministry due to her valuable insights into teaching children.
David Boyd, Assemblies of God National BGMC Director
Pat Holland is a gifted and anointed communicator. As a pastor I appreciate her servant’s heart and as a preacher I admire her communication skills. Pastor Ed Frost
I enjoyed feeling your zeal and passion for God and doing his will. It is not only refreshing, it’s contagious. Also, I enjoyed your stories. I’ve already shared many of them with family members and co-workers.—Damarise Murphy-Reyes
Pat Holland is a wonderful gift to the body of Christ & has a lot of practical wisdom & knowledge for Children ministers. I have known Pat for years and highly recommend her ministry. She not only has a heart after God but she has a tremendous heart for boys & girls & all those who minister & work with them. I know her ministry & teaching will be a blessing to you as it has to me.
Jim Wideman Children’s Ministry Consultant
Her sensitivity to what the Holy Spirit is speaking is revealing and life-changing. She has a unique way of bringing the Word of God using understandable illustrations that help you to receive the Word in such a way that it is usable in your daily life. If you have any questions, I would be glad to answer them. I can recommend Pat whole-heartedly and without reservation. You won’t be disappointed! –Peggy Williams
Pat Holland has a multi-generational ministry that I have rarely seen during my 15 years as a family life pastor. She has ministered in our Sunday morning services, delivering powerful messages from the Word of God and touching the hearts of all ages. She has reminded our parents of important Biblical principles needed in raising the next Godly generation. She has reached our kids with the life changing message of the Gospel. –Kyle Alford
Pat Holland is a great anointed speaker. Her passion for the Word of God is evident in the fruit that it has produced in my personal life as well as the life of leaders and children’s workers throughout the United States.
I have attended many conferences and services where she was the key note speaker and it was a timely word for us as a group. She has also come to Lenexa Christian Center in Kansas City and ministered to our church families. We have received a great deal of wisdom from her ministry.
Those of us that have been influenced by her ministry are grateful for her life, she is a true gift to the body of Christ today. Pat’s honesty and integrity for the work of God is refreshing. Pastor Maritza Ceballos Kansas City, KS Children’s Pastor