An evil eye?
Are you kidding me?
Those are the sweetest, most precious eyes in the world!
Can’t you see the light of life in those beautiful blue eyes?
But Matthew 6 tells us about an evil eye.
“But an evil eye…” now that’s an interesting way to start a verse. I don’t know what you think when you hear “evil eye”, but I have some pretty vivid memories of what I would call an “evil eye.” I’ve seen hatred flash from a persons eyes. Honestly, it was bone chillingly evil. And then I’ve seen anger contort a face as they yelled through clinched teeth and glared through tiny slits of squinted fiery rage where eyes should be located. It is terrifying, especially if it is directed toward you! Terrifying! Those sulfuric lava like emotions spewing from a person’s eyes would meet my qualifications for an “evil eye.”
I was reading Matthew 6:23 from the KJV.
The verse had my attention. Other translations used different words than the word evil. Some versions translated the word as bad, unhealthy, or diseased. But, it was clear the verse wasn’t talking about the emotions reflected from the eye. Instead, it was talking about the results that occur when it does not function as it is designed. An evil, bad or diseased eye does not allow the light to enter, so there is darkness on the inside.

Let’s look at just one common eye disease–cataracts.

We know what happens to a person when they lose their eyesight.
We know how it effects every aspect of a persons’ life. So we are proactive. People go to the eye doctor. They protect their eyes.We wear corrective lens. We listen to the doctor. Even have surgery when necessary. We realize our vision is priceless.
But Matthew 6:23 talks about another serious eye disease that very few people are concerned about; the eyes of our heart or spirit. No, I’m not getting all spooky on you. Jesus is talking about the eyes that guide our decisions, our choices our attitudes–our spiritual eyes.
But let’s look at the good news first.
“Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. Matthew 6:22 I love that picture. On Sunday after church, Wayne and I explored the Blue Ridge Mountains looking for bursts of red and yellow along the mountainside. I kept telling him “I love the way the light filters through the trees.” And I do! The light allows us to see colors, smiles on our grand babies faces, scowls on our husband’s face when we burn dinner—again! The light keeps us from stumbling. It guides us. Warms us. Welcomes us!
The light of God’s Word does the same thing for our spirit.
–It is lonely.
All these dark attitudes are not pleasant to dwell on or dwell in.
Continuing in Matthew 6:23…If the light you think you have is really darkness,
“As children we were afraid of the dark. As adults we are afraid of the light.”
There are truths in God’s Word that are scary and hard to live out.
But as followers of Christ, we are not called to live comfortable lives. We are called to follow Christ and that means walking in the light of His Word; in the light of His love.
The good news. There’s a cure for the evil, bad, diseased eye
and that cure is prayer and Scripture.
- Ask God to bring His light into your life.
- Read the Bible. Ask God to show you truth in the Scriptures you read.
- Ask God to show you where there is darkeness in your life, then begin a word study from scripture on that area.
- He’ll guide you. He’ll bring truth! He’s just waiting for you to ask.
- Get excited. The journey can get bumpy, but where you’re going is worth the bumpy ride!
Here’s another link on the benefits of God’s Word
Eat Up to Grow Up
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