Prayer for the Sick: Jehovah Rapha

Prayer for the Sick: Jehovah Rapha Exodus 15:26
Home » Healing » Prayer for the Sick: Jehovah Rapha

Do you ever find yourself hesitating to pray for someone’s healing, wondering, “What if they don’t get healed?” It’s a common concern, but let’s flip the script. Instead, ask yourself, “What if they do get healed?” We don’t stop sharing our faith even though not everyone we witness to gets saved. In the same way, we shouldn’t let doubt hold us back from praying for healing. One of His redemptive names is Jehovah Rapha.


I want to build your faith and confidence by digging deeper into Isaiah 53:5, connect it with 1 Peter 2:24, show you the why in Matthew 8: 16,17. A close look any of these 3 verses wouldn’t be complete without taking you to Jehovah Rapha! Some of you pray through the redemptive names of God, so you’re going to love this! It’s a lot to cover, but it’s worth the trip.

I get pretty excited in this teaching!  I strongly suggest that you listen or watch the audio or the video for this one!!! Even though it’s a little longer than usual, it’s worth it!


Faith in Divine Healing

If we truly desire to see people healed, we must exercise our faith and pray for the sick. I believe in divine healing with all my heart. My precious grandson has been a living testament to the power of holding on to God’s promises for good health and healing. Biblical healing is deeply rooted in my faith. Yet, as I reflect on recent times, I realize I haven’t spoken about it as much as I should, and for that, I apologize. I want to encourage you and remind both of us that healing is available through the power of God.


The Need for Healing

Our goal is not to boast about accomplishments, but to see lives touched by the power of God. People are in need of healing, and I’ve never witnessed so many suffering from illness. It grieves my heart. I long to see the church, individuals, and families restored to health so they can testify to God’s love in a tangible, life-changing way.


Jesus, Our Healer

Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus healing the sick. As believers, we are called to follow His example. Mark 16:17-18 tells us that signs will accompany believers, including laying hands on the sick so they may recover. I hold fast to that truth, even knowing that praying for healing feels like taking a risk.


A Powerful Prayer

One of my favorite prayers for the sick is Isaiah 53:5: He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes, we are healed. I’ve prayed this verse countless times. Some might argue that this verse isn’t about physical healing, but I’ve found further affirmation in Matthew 8:17, which references Isaiah 53 and speaks directly of Jesus taking on our infirmities and diseases.


Physical and Spiritual

Matthew 8:16 tells us that Jesus drove out spirits and healed all the sick. Commentaries confirm that the word used in these passages refers to physical diseases. In fact, the Bible mentions “sickness” 20 times and “sick” 88 times, all referring to physical healing, not spiritual sickness. Isaiah 53:4 reminds us that Jesus took on our infirmities to deliver us from them.


Physical Healing is Real

Isaiah 53:5 is a powerful reminder that Jesus not only bore our sins but also our sicknesses. Through His sacrifice, we find healing. The verse speaks to the physical, not just spiritual, deliverance that Jesus provided. The Dake’s commentary supports this, showing that healing of the body is emphasized hundreds of times throughout Scripture, while healing of the soul is mentioned only once.


By His Stripes

Isaiah says “we are healed” while Peter declares 1 Peter 2:24 states, By His wounds, you were healed.  This is pasted tense.


1 Peter 2:24 New American Standard Bible
and He Himself brought our sins in His body up on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness; by His wounds you were healed.


The shift in tense of the verb that is used here points to the finished work of the cross. Jesus paid the price for our healing, and through His sacrifice, we can boldly approach God, asking for healing in faith.


A Deeper Look at the Cross

John 19:1 contains a short but profound sentence: Then Pilate took Jesus and had Him flogged. Those eight words hardly convey the brutal suffering Jesus endured. Yet, the consequence of that suffering was our healing—healing that has manifested in countless miracles throughout history and continues today.


Jesus Still Does Miracles

Miracles didn’t end with the New Testament. God is still at work, and He often invites us to partner with Him through faith.


Where do we find Jehovah Rapha in Scripture?

In Exodus 15, after the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, they encountered bitter water. God instructed Moses to throw a tree into the water, making it sweet. This act of obedience foreshadowed the cross and reminds us that through Jesus’ sacrifice, He turns the bitter things in life into sweetness.

Then God explained to Moses that He was going to give them “a statute and an ordinance.”

Exodus 15:26 BSB

saying, “If you will listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His eyes, and pay attention to His commands, and keep all His statutes, then I will not bring on you any of the diseases I inflicted on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”

Did you see it?

“For I am the Lord who heals you.” That is Jehovah Rapha” 

 Jehovah Rapha—The Lord Who Heals—is one of God’s redemptive names, found in Exodus 15:26. This name reminds us that God is still in the business of healing, and we can call on Him with confidence.

Moses Prayed…the people grumbled

When the Israelites were desperate for water, Moses cried out to the Lord, and God provided. This is a powerful reminder for us today. When we face tough situations, we should follow Moses’ example and cry out to God. He hears us and will answer in His time and way.


Standing on God’s Promises

God is still our healer today. He continues to fulfill His promises to heal and restore. We can trust Him, take His Word to heart, and boldly pray for healing, knowing that He is faithful. Don’t let doubt, fear, or insecurity stop you. Stand firm on the promises of God and believe that healing is possible.


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