I have discovered that joy is a choice. Even in the middle of a storm I can choose joy! I am really working on having a “Rejoice in the Lord” mentality.
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Did you listen to my podcast “A Choice to Rejoice?” I hardly got that post up before my joy was tested! So, I dug deeper. When I did, I was reminded that processes can help us get keep us on track or sometimes help us get back on track. In this teaching I want to share a process, maybe more like a recipe that will help you choose joy.
I want to challenge you to go beyond being happier; to go all the way to joy. I want to define rejoice from the lens of Scripture, because it is a key to access God’s joy. I’m going to do more than give you a recipe; I’m going to give you a challenge. I want you to rejoice with me every day for one week. I’ve made a free checklist that you can download to help you develop the “Rejoice in the LORD always” mindset.
If you are a subscriber,
I sent you the download link for the PDF.
It has 8 scripture cards that I use. Sometimes I pray them, sometimes I declare them over my heart and sometimes use to correct and renew my thinking.
If you’re not, you can join my tribe to get this free .pdf. Here’s a quick link. I’ll give it to you again at the bottom of this post.
In my last post I shared Habakkuk’s commitment to “rejoice in the Lord” and how God used his story in my life, but the same day I posted that blog a barrage of text messages came that had my heart pounding. When I read the text, I didn’t choose joy. I grumbled.
My sweetheart very calmly mentioned that he had listened to a teaching on YouTube that morning that I think will help you. He’s always listening to stuff, so I thought, “What has this man listened to now?” Then he said, “It was called “A Choice to Rejoice”.
Ahhhh! That man. That man! He was right. I needed to rejoice, so I managed to give him a smile and immediately raised my hands and began to rejoice.
Basically, I know choosing joy is better for me. My grumbling made me miserable. I’m sure Wayne didn’t enjoy it either. I am so thankful that Wayne and the Lord love me enough that they don’t want me to be miserable. And because He loves us, He gives us access to His joy!
So, I dug deeper.
Although, I haven’t backed off my statement that 2022 can be a joy filled year.
I’m more convinced than ever that it can be, but we have to choose joy, by choosing to rejoice in the Lord. I’m having to trust God. There will always be things that we can’t fix. Remember God told Habakkuk “the righteous live by his faith.”
I was depressed.
It was hard to leave everybody and everything we had in Pensacola and move to Jacksonville. I was depressed, but I didn’t want to stay in that place, so I began to renew my mind. Scripture came alive to me. Reading it. Memorizing it became a necessity, because I needed joy and peace so bad. Romans 15:13 was a precious promise to me.
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans15:13 NLT
I believe that God is our source of hope. I believe that God wants to fill us with joy and peace. Trust is critical. It says as we trust in Him!!!
I didn’t know how to choose the joy and peace God had for me. I believe we access God’s joy when we REJOICE
After Wayne’s reminder I realized I had allowed a joy thief to steal my joy.
It wasn’t what happened that took my joy, it was how I responded to the situation that took my joy. My response was fueled by disappointment and fear.
It was easy to blame someone else for our frustration.
Playing the “Blame Game was frustrating.” It’s a game from the enemy and there’s no way to win that game. It’s a joy thief.
I need to warn you, it is not automatic…you have to choose joy.

Having a recipe is not enough.
A long time ago, we used to watch Rachel Ray while we ate supper. We loved her, but I never cooked a single one of her dishes.
I want to give you a process or a recipe that will help you have more joy. Like any recipe you’ll have to tweak it here and there.
The enemy wants to steal your joy!
Life can be really hard!!! I am so sorry, but we live in a fallen world. Although this may be true, the Good News is, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid. John 14:27 NLT
As a matter of fact, you can stop the “Joy Thief” in his tracks.
What can I control?
- You can’t control someone else.
- You can’t control the weather.
- Yourself!!!!
- Control your choices.
- Control your attitude.
Refocus. Reframe. Reclaim.
As soon as you realize your joy has vanished or your heart is churning…
Get a grip, not a gripe, a grip.
What is really happening here?
- Am I worrying? It’s a joy thief.
- Is this fear? You do know fear will suck every bit of your joy and energy?
- disappointment from an unmet expectation?
- rejection?
- bad news?
- Did this action or insult come because someone is having a bad day?
You don’t have to join someone when they are having a bad day.
Maybe you feel you “deserve to have a pity party. And sometimes a good cry can release emotions. Or a conversation with someone that loves you can help you process the situation, but a pity party is just too expensive to indulge in it. Don’t go there. It is a vortex that sucks you under!!!!!
Talk to yourself.
- David did in Psalm 42:5 NLT
Why am I discouraged? - Why is my heart so sad?
- I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and
Reframe it.
We can assign wrong meanings to people’s actions.
Sometimes we hear through a lens of pain and that can distort what we hear.
We can blow things way out of perspective. Reframe it. And sorta like we need glasses to see better, you need a new lens to look at things.
Talk to God…then listen to Him
Isaiah 55:3 NLT
“Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life. I will make an everlasting covenant with you. I will give you all the unfailing love I promised to David.
What does God say about this situation?
- Scriptures that fit your situation.
- His Wisdom.
- Ask for specific guidance.
- Have I believed something that is not true?
- Ask God to help you see it through His eyes.
Talk to the mountain.
- Fear go.
- Darkness go, in Jesus’ name.
- Deception you have to go.
- Strife go.
- Lack go.
Reclaim it! (Choose joy!)
- Rejoice. Rejoice is a verb. Verbs require action.
- I going to reuse some of the ingredients in this recipe.
- Refocus…focus on Jesus.
- Reframe…this situation isn’t bigger than you God!!!
- Reclaim: Rejoice- access the joy and peace that God has already given you.
What does “rejoice in the LORD” look like?
How do you celebrate someone’s birthday?
Expressions of love. Hugs. Kisses.
With words.
With music & dancing.
I rejoice in you, Lord. Thank you that you are with me. You are the Almighty God. I thank you that you’ve heard my cry. You are my strength and song.
Passionately and fervently celebrate the goodness of God. Rehearse your victories.
Keep Rejoicing!
Rejoicing isn’t something you can do one time and go on your way. It’s kinda like eating! You’ll need to do it daily…sorta like someone in the Bible say always!
I want to challenge you to rejoice for the next 7 Days.
8 Scripture Cards
Rejoice Checklist
So go right now and download the PDF with Scriptures and a checklist to get you on track to Rejoice 7 Day Challenge.