Legos were scattered all over the den floor. Paper and crayons were strewn on the hearth which had become their drawing table. I washed dishes and Wayne cooked a fabulous southern breakfast, which by the way, he is famous for! After breakfast Wayne and I, each with a cup of steaming, black coffee moved into the den for devotions with the grandkids. The news of Nik Wallenda’s amazing walk was still fresh in my mind and I wanted to use it as a conversation starter for our devotions. Karyn had watched it on TV, but I wanted us to watch the news clip together.
I talked about his special shoes, how narrow the walk was. Wayne had a roll of narrow steel cable and I let them feel it and walk on it–laying flat on the carpet of course. Then I talked about how our path as a believer, following Christ, is narrow, with boundaries established because God loves us and wants to keep us safe. Then I told them the story of Jesus and then Peter walking on the water. It sounds like a long devotion, but it really wasn’t.

It was a conversation as well as a devotion. Brayden played with his Legos and Ashlyn drew pictures while I talked. Then they all dramatized the event and retold the story with the Legos.
Then we reinforced the devotion with garden stepping stones.
Wayne had made square frames and mixed the quick concrete for the stepping stones. We covered the stones with plastic wrap so they didn’t get any on their feet and let them make a footprint. Concrete can burn the skin, so never let it come in contact with little kids skin. But the concrete was old and didn’t set up right. We will try it again and I’ll have pictures for you when it does.
But my point here is not of a failed craft project or a wonderful breakfast, but of an opportunity to be a person of influence–especially to my family! My grandchildren are still like soft concrete and the things they hear and do are shaping who they will become. I am intentional in my efforts to sow into and to influence my grandchildren.
Yet, I share this in my blog because I want to encourage you to be intentional with your influence. Realize that you can and should influence someone, everyday.
Some keys to expanding your influence.
You gotta:
SEE it!
Believe for the SIZZLE!
Wayne and I had an opportunity to eat lunch with Annette and Louis Ortiz Sunday. Louis is walking through some extreme health challenges, yet his conversation is filled with amazing testimonies of answered prayers and opportunities that God has given him to touch people. That man sees and seizes opportunity like few people I know. In spite of the circumstances he is walking through, he refuses to focus only inward. He plays the conga in church, is in charge of the monthly jail ministry outreach in our church and he is a warm, loving man that knows how to go beyond little prayers to bombard heaven and get results.
Sunday I saw two people living my keys to influence mantra, See. Seize. Sizzle.
Bruce Wilkerson’s book, You Were Born for This, helped me understand so much more clearly that what God has called believers to do reaches way beyond doing good deeds. God has called us to partner with Him for miracles. I’ve got to tell you. I have believed in miracles for a long time, but Mr. Wilkerson really took my faith to a new level. Not only my faith, but my understanding of what it means for me to do my part instead of just expecting God to do it all.
In my keys to expand your influence, the sizzle is God’s part.
As we pray, as we believe God to do what only HE can do, He will. It’s not enough for us to do good things. When we teach, it’s God’s Spirit that drives the truth to touch a person’s heart. When we obey Him, it is God that brings the miracle, that heals, that encourages, that brings life.
Bruce Wilkerson’s book, You Were Born for This has been a tremendous blessing to me. Everyone of Mr. Wilkerson’s books have impacted my life. I found the hardcover book at Barnes & Nobles for $2.10. Did you see that? What a bargain. It’s worth the full price, but I love a bargain.
There is a limit of one. They are Publisher’s Return–may have a remainder mark. Multiple copies are available. But I don’t know how many they have or how long they will last. Please, please if you don’t have this book, you’ve got to get it. I believe it will stretch your faith and influence as you partner with God for miracles!
His New York Times phenomenon The Prayer of Jabez changed how millions pray. Now Bruce Wilkinson wants to change what they do next.
Anyone can do a good deed, but some good works can only happen by an act of God. Around the world these acts are called miracles–not that even religious people expect to see one any time soon. But what would happen if millions of ordinary people walked out each morningexpecting God to deliver a miracle through them to a person in need? You Were Born for Thisstarts with the dramatic premise that everyone at all times is in need of a miracle, and that God is ready to meet those needs supernaturally through ordinary people who are willing to learn the “protocol of heaven.”
In the straightforward, story-driven, highly motivating style for which he is known, Wilkinson describes how anyone can be a ‘Delivery Guy’ from heaven in such universally significant arenas of life as finances, practical help, relationships, purpose and spiritual growth.
You Were Born for This will change how you see your world and show you what you can expect God to do through you to meet real needs. You will master seven simple tools of service, and come to say with confidence, “I want to deliver a supernatural gift from God to someone in need today–and I expect to!” From https://www.barnesandnoble.com/listing/2689310643220, Accessed July 16,2013.
Read More About Bruce Wilkerson’s You Were Born For This
$2.10 plus $3.99 shipping (Prices subject to change. I just found it July 16.)
Christianbook.com has it in paperback slightly imperfect for $3.99 if you prefer them.
Did you miss my previous post about Nik Wallenda?
Have you read You Were Born For This? What are you doing different now?