Is it possible for you to experience it with all the shifts and changes that are going on around you?
We are a mobile society. People are constantly uprooting and moving to new places.
Job changes.
a new boss…a new career..companies closing…opportunities that dry up…
Life changes…growing older…getting married…
Change happens and it can create chaos that erodes the stability that anchors us.
Let me take you on one of my road trips to explain how you can find stability in the midst of change.
I’ve seen postcards of them.
I’ve dreamed of seeing them, but I never have…until the detour.
I’ve visited Kansas several times. I’ve…
flown into the airport.
driven highways and back roads.
stayed with friends. Spoken in seminars and camps.
climbed all 296 steps to the top of the rotunda in the capitol building at Topeka.
but I’ve never personally seen the famous Kansas sunflower fields.
I’ve tried to imagine the huge flowers on thick stalks towering above my head, stretching and reaching toward the sun. I’m not talking about just a flower or two, but a vast expanse of glorious sunflowers as far as my eye can see.
Somehow, I never went to Kansas at the right time.
I arrived either too early or too late in the growing season. I’ve stood at the edge of a beautiful field of golden wheat only days before harvest. It’s beautiful, but not as beautiful as sunflowers field I had pictured in my mind.
Toward the end of summer we were on our way to North Carolina. There was an accident on I-95 that had traffic snarled and stopped. Wayne took a detour.
Wayne loves back roads.
Rusty tin roofs.
Old cars.
Old tractors.
Old barns.
It was the typical two lane,
twisting road through rural america.
Coming out of a curve in the road, I spotted a huge field of brilliant sunflowers. Giant, golden gifts on tall green stalks. Golden heads, with brown faces dropping from the hot summer heat like shy children hiding behind their mama. And Wayne, always the loving kind man he is…turned and stopped on a side road for me to get a better look.
They were beautiful. So beautiful.
They were a gift.
a golden gift on tall green stems from God
just cause…no reason,
except He wanted to remind me that He loves me
and that He knew how long I had dreamed of seeing a field of sunflowers.
His gifts are so far beyond the beauty of sunflowers or even sunrises.
The gift of God’s Son, Jesus, still thrills me even though I’ve walked with Him since I was a young child. Oh how I love Jesus!
There are so many facets of his nature that awe me. Some so obvious, others I would fail to see if scripture didn’t point them out. Like Isaiah 33:6 points out stability.
And I personalize the first part of the verse. He will be the stability of my times…Jesus you are the stability of all my times.
Stability! What a powerful word!
in troubled times? When everything is falling apart?
in lonely times?
Yes, Jesus is the stability in all our times…if we let Him. Tweet this!
As I reflect, I recognize that again and again, He has been my rock, the stabilizing factor in my life.
I am amazed at the stability
His faithfulness,
His goodness,
His grace brings into my life…
and can bring into your life if you allow Him,
believe Him,
receive Him!
Faith in God’s promises is the only way to find peace in the midst of trouble.
“And He will be the stability of your times”
… the verse continues
“A wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; The fear of the LORD is his treasure.” Isaiah 33:6 Tweet this!
And His gifts are so bountiful!
- Peace, even in tough times.
- Joy, that goes beyond our understanding.
- Love, unconditional, even undeserved, but lavished on us anyway.

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Yes, I see His great love
in the golden sunrises.
in the soft hands of my grandchildren
in the twinkle of my husband’s eyes,
when he dishes out one of his jokes, that he expects me to laugh at…
and I almost always laugh.
They are all gifts…amazing…bountiful…beautiful gifts from my heavenly Father.
But stability hasn’t ever been on my list before. Now it is!
Thank you, Father! Thank you that you are the stability of all my times.
I am thankful…so thankful.
Lessons I Learned From Mt. McKinley