Tag Archives: discipleship

A Fancy Word for It- Share

A fancy word wraps a plain word and makes its meaning clearer and more powerful. There’s a fancy word for almost everything. Anger has the fancy word apoplectic. Unregenerate has obdurate. Unfinished has inchoate. A fancy word wraps a plain word and makes its meaning clearer and more powerful. I love words, but I don’t use too many fancy words. I’m working on becoming a better wordsmith, but don’t expect to see me use the word apoplectic or obdurate in my next blog. I don’t think you’ll ever read a word in my blog that will compel you to visit a dictionary. I’m just not that skillful with words. I love the masters like Charles Swindoll and Jack Hayford that skillfully sculpt a sentence into a masterpiece. I find myself reading slowly, licking my lips and savoring each luscious word. (Luscious is just about as big as it gets with me and I had to do a spell check to spell it right.)  Words paint a picture and convey an emotion. Words instruct and guide. 


But sometimes fancy words intimidates us.They stop us or discourage us. Did I loose you? Let me explain with where I was headed in the first place. Let’s take witnessing for example. Calm down, I feel you shaking all the way to my house.  I’m not asking you to run out and witness on the street corner. The word witnessing is intimidating! Unless you are like my good friend Pete Combs. He’s the superman of witnessing! I am constantly amazed at that man! 



But if you’re like me the thought of going witnessing is scary stuff! But if you asked me to share my favorite recipe with you, that wouldn’t scare me. Unless of course you read my recent blog post, No More Burned Popcorn, then we both know you’re not going to be asking me for a recipe for anything. OK, so let’s talk about something more realistic. Let’s say I found a fabulous bargain on costume jewelry and I knew you enjoyed bling as much as I do. Sorry men, keep reading, you’ll get the point too. I wouldn’t be scared or intimidated  to call you with the good news. Even if I knew you hated the store where I found the great bargain, I would have to tell you about my great news. 


     I would share the good news with you for two reasons:

          1. It’s good news.

          2. I know you would benefit from the good news.



And that is exactly why we need to  wit…no, I’m not going to use that scary word. That’s why we need to share, that’s the word I’m looking for, share, just like I would share the good news that I’m gonna have a new grand-baby or that I found a million dollars or you get the picture. We must share the good news of Jesus with our friends. His saving power is good news. His love is good news. His healing is good news. His grace is good news. Jesus is just plain good news, too good not to share.



On Wednesday night, my pastor shared an interesting story about Oliver Cromwell. He was born April 25, 1599 and died September 3, 1658. He was an English military and political leader and later Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England. Silver for coinage was in limited supply. After a month long search for silver was completed, Mr. Cromwell was given the report, “We have searched the Empire in vain seeking to find silver. To our dismay, we found none anywhere except in the cathedrals where the statues of the saints are made of choice silver.” Cromwell ordered, “Let’s melt down the saints and put them into circulation.”


Good advice for then and now! Lord, melt us, your saints called to good works, melt us with the fire of precious Holy Spirit. Melt us in the furnace of your love. Conform us into your image and put us into circulation in a world that is dying without Christ.



Here’s a link that I found that does an amazing, absolutely powerful job on …Sharing What You Know. https://enslowparkpresbyterianchurch.org/files/4955/_documents/119201141041PM-sermon011611.pdf

I hope it will bless you like it did me.



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Are You a Note Taker

Are You a Note Taker

Church is important to me for so many reasons. I have friends at church that I look forward to seeing. There are people there that inspire me like Tommy McKnight, I want to tell you about him one day. He’s one of my heroes. There are people there that allow me to speak into their lives and pray and love on them. Then, there’s my pastor.  I love Pastor Jimmy Wilder and his family. He is a true shepherd with a heart that loves and cares for his sheep.  I  love, love that about him. He communicates his love in a way that is so uplifting. He has a powerful anointing his life and besides that, he is a great speaker. I want to learn as much as I can from him so I take notes.


tim_making_study_notes_hg_clr_st“The shortest pencil is longer than the longest memory,” is an old, but true adage. I’ve asked way too many people, what did your pastor preach on last week, or yesterday and hear them give me a reply that was always very similar. “Ahhh. Ohhh? Ahhh. I forget, but it was good.” I am a very busy person. I have so much that I want to accomplish and if I don’t make the most of every opportunity, then I am wasting my time and for that matter, my pastor’s time as well. So I take notes.


I know there is a downside to taking notes. You gotta have paper and you gotta have something to write with. So you grab a gum wrapper. Tell me I’m not the only person that has taken notes on a gum wrapper. And I’ve taken notes on a tissue before too. What’s really bad is when you have to use the tissue and you get the blue ink from your notes all over your nose. Poor Wayne. He has to put up with me!


Of course many churches provides a church bulletin with a space for note taking. Some even provide an outline. While I love to take notes, I hate all the clutter that comes with note taking. Before I got serious about taking notes I  had all these odd  sized and colors of paper stuffed in my Bible. Sometimes my Bible got full  of stuff. Wayne’s is worse than mine. He can’t stand to throw a single bulletin away, he still has the bulletin from the Sunday after the Titanic Sunk in his Bible. OK. So he doesn’t have that one, but he’s got a lot of bulletins in his Bible. My point is, sometimes I have so much stuff in my Bible I can’t find the verses I want to  read. I hate that clutter. It distracts me. No, I didn’t stop taking notes, but I did get more strategic about note taking.



My Strategy

I got a notebook.

I labeled my notebook and date it.

I put it with my Bible.

I label the sermon. I date the sermon and who is preaching.

When writing a Bible reference he gives. I always put the chapter and verse in the left hand margin leaving room to come back and write the name of the book. I remember the book easier than I do the numbers, so I write the numbers while they are fresh in my mind.

I read my notes when I get home. I must admit this is one that I forget to do sometimes, but it is an important part in the process of acquiring knowledge, not just information. There is a drastic difference in the two.


Why is note taking  important?

1. It keeps me focused. My mind is too little to let it wander off alone.

2. Writing is one more way to undergird the learning process.

3. I have something to review and reflect on when I get home.

4. The shortest pencil really is longer than the longest memory!

5. Because my pastor is an anointed servant of God,  that anointing on him, jump starts the anointed creativity in my mind. I get awesome ideas that aren’t even related to the sermon, so I jot them down as well.


So happy note taking!


Do  you have any ideas that you use for better note taking that you would like to share with us?



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