Tag Archives: hope

See Beyond What You Can See.

Did you start your new year off with a “theme word or phrase”? Everywhere I turn people have selected words related to vision for 2020 since 20/20 eyesight means you have perfect vision. But no-one seems more excited about the idea of 20/20 Vision than Rhonda, a dear friend of mine. She was excited because […]

Redemption God’s Divine Exchange

Download Podcast This podcast is a combination of this post and the blog post entitled “Jesus Changed the Meaning of the Cross”     If you are reading the post only and not listening then I want to encourage you to read both posts. Exchange your money! One of the first things you do when you […]

Moving From Devastation to Beauty!

I have always loved Isaiah 61. It is one of those go to chapters that has enriched my life. But after my trip out West, it has taken on an even richer meaning to me. I am convinced that we can move from devastation to beauty.     As we walked through fields of almost […]

I Wanna Hold Your Hand!

I was a proud mama when my daughter, Kimberly, graduated from Aveda Beauty Institute with the highest GPA in her class. Then her classmates bestowed another honor on her when they voted for her to speak at their graduation. Kimberly carefully prepared and practiced to hone her presentation. Ashlyn, her daughter, asked, “Are you nervous?” […]

When You Want to SCREAM… Why?

in our dark hole of unbelief we ask the question "why"

Good Questions Questions wield tremendous power because they activate the brain. Questions are the key that unlocks the door of imagination and creativity in your brain. Questions birth new inventions, businesses and cures for diseases. Processing the right questions help us identify the core problem, instead of putting bandaids on consequences. Questions can lead us to answers […]

Why Easter is NOT Over!

The Resurrection changed everything...let it change you.

Bright sunshine filled the morning. After days of dreary rain the sunshine was a welcomed friend! Springtime daffodils sat in clumps under the thickest boughs of dogwood I can remember seeing in years. Shorter redbuds covered in a profusion of vibrant fushia colored blooms stood in front of the glorious white dogwood like flower girls […]

Looking for Hope in all the Wrong Places

It’s a National Treasure on display in the Museum of Natural History. Its name stirred my curiosity as much as the color and light dazzled my eyes. I imagined that this magnificent Hope Diamond had earned its inspiring name by bringing hope and light to the heart of some desperate person. So my curiosity took me […]

God’s Billboard- My Reminder- He’s Still Faithful

Your mercies are new every morning! Great is thy faithfulness.

The calliope of colors was mesmerizing. The unseasonably cool morning was a great companion as I sipped coffee and watched the sunrise. Curled comfortably on the porch enamored with God’s billboard and the soothing sound of a gentle breeze blowing through the leaves. Soft, little creatures climbed from their hiding places and began their morning […]

One More Reason To Put Christ In Christmas

One More Reason to Put Christ in Christmas

    My heart is broken for the parents and families that lost their children and loved ones in the horrific tragedy Friday. I mourn with them. I cannot begin to imagine their loss as its reality seeps into their lives shattering their normal and leaving a gaping hole in their hearts. This was a […]

Absolutely Overwhelmed

Absolutely Overwhelmed

I don’t know if this happens to you, but sometimes I loose my might to fight, because I feel overwhelmed.  Because I’m faced with too many things and everything sDSC01617eems to much for me to tackle.


Let me explain. In the last few weeks we uncovered a termite invasion in our house, horrors! Our truck had a very expensive break down. My computer crashed. The dishwasher broke. The refrigerator went out. The dryer quit drying. Family crisis. When it all happens at once it’s overwhelming. And that’s how it usually happens. It’s not just one thing, it’s multiple things, one right after another! Ahhh!


Not only that, my yard. I have taken out locust trees repeatedly. Wayne is a craftsman, so I do things that don’t require carpentry skills. So sawing down the locust trees has been my job. He helps, but it’s my job. I cut them down in the fall. Pulled the roots up as far as I could pull. In February, for every place I had one in the fall, I now had two. So I chopped and hacked. I pulled and chopped some more. I’ve poisoned. I’ve cut. I’ve pulled, but now they have taken over the entire hillside! Ahhh! I was totally overwhelmed. I just wanted to go to bed. I had no more might to fight the locust.Get busy. Don't loose your might to fight.


But going to bed doesn’t clear off the hillside.



In spite of how I felt I had to tackle my mountain. This is what I did.

  • I got some help.
  • I developed a game plan.
  • I found the right tools for the job.
  • I broke it down into manageable pieces.
  • I got busy.


I think my strategy for clearing the locust from the hillside is a viable strategy for whatever may be overwhelming you. Whether it’s financial, physical, disobedient children or organizing a closet. Life can be overwhelming. Problems can be overwhelming. When that happens we can loose our might to fight. Instead, tackle it. What strategy do you use when you feel overwhelmed.


Get some help. Don't loose your might to fight.

Think Missional! Pass this on to someone you think may enjoy it or need it.



Windows Live Tags: invasion,horrors,truck,computer,refrigerator,crisis,Ahhh,yard,trees,Wayne,carpentry,skills,February,spite,mountain,tools,strategy,Whether,Life,Problems,Instead,locust,hillside

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