Tag Archives: Spiritual Growth

That’s Why They Call It A Dead End- Turn Around

That's why they call it a "Dead End".

When you realize you’ve made a wrong turn, then turn around and get back on the right road. Easy enough, even for directionally challenged people like me! Simple enough…right? But why don’t we have the same inclination in life when we reach a dead end? When something doesn’t work out right, “Why do we scream […]

Stunted Trees- Nourishment

Stunted Trees- Nourishment

The beaches at Santa Rosa Beach, Florida are some of the most beautiful in the world. The Marine Science instructor had the 4-H students meet at the park entrance to begin the field trip. It was a fascinating afternoon. We splashed in the water gathered specimens to identify and observed scat (animal droppings) and tracks […]

The Vine That Ate The South- Kudzu

It grows a foot a day! And you thought centipedes had a lot of feet. No, I mean it grows a foot longer a day, and yes, I’m talking about Kudzu. This vine covers everything and I do mean everything. It covers road signs, cars and houses. It smoothers, covers and  chokes everything in its […]

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