Have you ever felt like trusting God is a struggle? You’re not alone. I’ve been there too, wondering why things aren’t unfolding the way I expect them to, and sometimes, fear creeps in.
King Asa’s Bold Trust in God
There are moments when we want to trust God, but it just feels so hard. This reminds me of the story of King Asa in Second Chronicles 15. Let me set the stage for you.
King Asa was ruling over Judah, which consisted of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. The prophet Azaria came to him early in his reign with a powerful message: “The LORD is with you when you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you” (2 Chronicles 15:2).
Asa’s Reforms and God’s Blessing
For years, Israel had strayed from God, living without His guidance or the law. But in their distress, they turned back to Him—and when they sought God, they found Him. It was a dark time in Judah, with crime running rampant, and danger lurking around every corner. But through it all, the prophet encouraged Asa: “Be strong. Do not be discouraged, for your work will be rewarded.”
And Asa responded. He took bold action, removing idols and restoring the altar of the Lord. Even his grandmother, the queen, wasn’t spared from his reforms as he tore down the detestable Asherah pole she had erected. Asa’s trust in God led to 35 years of peace and blessing.
When Fear Leads to Misplaced Trust
But, as with many of us, Asa’s faith faltered. When Baasha, the king of Israel, fortified Ramah and threatened Judah, Asa panicked. Instead of turning to God, he relied on the army of Aram, using the Lord’s treasures to form an alliance. The prophet Hanani confronted him, saying, “You’ve trusted in the king of Aram and not the Lord.” Asa’s lack of faith cost him dearly.
The Cost of Rejecting God’s Correction

The prophet’s words cut deep: “For the eyes of the LORD roam to and fro over all the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are fully devoted to Him. You have acted foolishly in this matter. From now on, therefore, you will be at war.” (2 Chronicles 16:9). Instead of repenting, Asa grew angry, threw the prophet in prison, and refused to accept correction.

When Our Trust Shifts from God to Ourselves
Even when disease struck his feet, Asa still didn’t seek the Lord, relying only on physicians. There’s nothing wrong with doctors, but when our trust rests solely in human solutions and not in God’s power, we’re missing the point.
Our Trust Must Be in God
Our trust must be in God, whether in health, politics, or finances. When we struggle to believe, we need to choose to put our faith in Him, turning away from relying on our own plans or the schemes of others.
God is the One who saves. He is the One who strengthens us, and our trust must be firmly rooted in Him.