It is old news, but if you saw it you will never forget it? Did you like Nik Wallenda walk?
I couldn’t watch it until the event was completely finished–too nerve racking for me. While 1400 feet isn’t a record-breaking distance across, I was scared for him. Because the 1400 feet was stretched across a gorge in the Grand Canyon and the bottom is 1500 feet below. Oh, and did I forget to mention his path was only a 2” steel cable. Now those details suddenly make the story newsworthy! I didn’t know he was a believer until I read all the tweets afterward. My favorites were from @MatthewBarnett
- When Jesus is the rope, you have hope!
- You are wired for greatness!
- Touch your neighbor and say, “Walk the rope.”
After he did it, the talk shows scrambled to book Mr. Wallenda for an interview. All the news media was filled with articles and stories explaining what he did, where he did it and conversations about “Why he did it?” and “How he did it?” were all over the internet!
My post is not one more stab at any of those angles.
Yet I don’t want to miss an opportunity to tell you to walk like Nik Wallenda! That’s right, I think you should!
Walk like Nik Wallenda?

I am so glad that God doesn’t ask believers to walk 1400 feet across a gorge with a 1500 feet bottom on a 2″ path, that’s Mr. Wallenda’s one-time choice. Yet he took some steps that you should take too!
First, he boldly shared his faith in Jesus.
I loved hearing Wallenda say that wonderful name, Jesus, as he walked. In our culture that may have taken more courage than crossing the gorge!
Live right. It matters.
While your walk through the ups and downs of life won’t make the newspapers, it is of far greater importance than Mr. Wallenda’s walk Sunday. Your life is important and how you choose to walk it out makes eternal significance in the lives of those around you.
Your path is narrow too!
Jesus tells us His path is narrow, a 2” steel cable gives new meaning to the term narrow, but you can trust Jesus, no matter how narrow the path is. God’s narrow means living according to His boundaries because He made us and He knows what is best for us. It’s a balanced life of loving God and people and hating every sin that would rob us of abundant life. It’s walking with God, free of the weight of sin, yet filled to overflowing with the fruit of a Spirit filled, empowered life.
Scripture tells us to walk in:
- faith
- obedience
- love
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:14 NIV

Things I like about Mr. Wallenda’s walk.
In Mr. Wallenda’s story I see some truths that apply to our everyday walk with Christ. I think they’ll steady your walk, make you more surefooted and help you finish strong!
- Use the right shoes. (That’s my favorite point. I love shoes.) Nik’s were leather with elk skin soles. Sound exotic? Yours are outta this world! Shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace.
- Pray while you walk.
- Speak to the winds while you walk.
- Listen to the voice of your Father, your Heavenly Father that is, while you walk.
- Stay focused.
Thank you for your walk, Mr. Wallenda!
“Thank you, Mr. Wallenda for praying aloud as you walked, for boldly declaring your faith while the whole world watched, for going places that most believers will never go and sharing unashamedly your faith in Jesus Christ! Thank you!”
And thank you dear readers for your walk with God.
People around you have watched you walk.
They’ve heard you pray. They’ve seen your life and your life is making a difference. The world has been a better place because you walked your life with God.
What God has to say about your walk.
Did you see Nik Wallenda walk across the gorge?
What did you think?
What did you see or hear that inspired you?
I showed the YouTube video to my grands. They drew pictures and built Lego tight rope vignettes.
More on the subject.
Where Scripture Goes Life Flows
What a wonderful article, Pat. Thank you so much for your inspiring and challenging writings. I think we were all touched by the prayers across the gorge. I used this also in our Tuesday morning prayer as we were led to pray with new passion for this nation and country-pray in repentance and search ourselves to greater purity. Our prayers have to be answered with revival and stirring for a greater harvest for Jesus-He is hope in these times of sliding downward. After the events of yesterday, now I see why we were led to pray as we did Tuesday. Thank you, Pat, I always am inspired by your anointed words.
We meet each Tuesday for prayer at First Assembly of God, Orange Park. I lead the prayer there. Blessings to your day.