Fear is a big problem for so many people.
We try to minimize it with safe labels, numb it, even squeeze it into a dark closest so it can’t access our minds and hearts. But Isaiah 41:10 exposes it with the light of God’s presence and power which frees us and enables us to overcome it!
Don’t be afraid. Before our minds can scream with all the reasons (excuses) why we should be afraid, God gives us a reason why we don’t have to be afraid…”I am with you.”
He continues…
Don’t be discouraged. Some translators use different words here. Tremble with fear. Dismayed. Terrify. Frightened. Intimidated. Anixously look about you. Wander.
Again, He explains why we shouldn’t be griped with fear…”I am your God.”
I will…not hopefully, not might, not can, but “I will strengthen you…
and help you!””
“I will hold you up,” hold on to you, protect you, support you,
with the right hand of my righteousness. God’s Word Translation says “with my victorious right hand.
Get this truth in your heart. Declare it with you mouth.
Here’s my declaration.
I will not be afraid because you, Almighty Redeemer are with me.
I will not be discouraged, dismayed, terrified, frightened, intimidated, anxious or distracted because YOU are MY God!!! You are my God.
You will strengthen me and help me! You are doing that right now…you strengthen me and help me.
You hold me, protect me and support me with your victorious right hand.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh God your love is amazing!
Write out your declaration.
Put it on your mirror.
Declare it until it saturates your mind and heart.