You might remember that last summer I was invited to speak in two kid’s camps in Alaska. When we were preparing to go to Alaska I did more than pack my suitcase, I got ready physically. I wanted to see some sights. Some of those sites meant I would have to do some climbing and that requires using some muscles that I don’t regularly use. I started working out…twice a day. I exercised because I didn’t want to miss anything. Since, I wanted to have more energy, more stamina so I could hike further and see more while I was there. I am convinced we need to do that spiritually as well. We’ve all said, I need your strength, God!” We feel our need, but how do we receive God’s strength?
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It is so important that we do more than talk about God’s strength, if we want to see and experience the victories God has for us!
We need God’s strength
because the enemy is real; and the battle is fierce. God’s strength is critical for us to win over sin, discouragement and the lies of hell. We need strength because our enemy wants to wear out the saints. The enemy wants us to give up and give in.
But I believe God is raising up a strong army…

of believers that are looking for and believing for a great revival. A group of believers that want to be part of that revival. They are like Habakkuk was, they don’t understand everything around, but they are desperate to hear from God. And because they are seeking Him, they are finding Him; in that process, they are developing some faith muscles. And because of their faith they are realizing that they are strong…with a strength beyond their own. Stronger than they look, because they are strong in the Lord.
God has more for us! So we need God’s Strength
In my heart, I know God has more for us. There are people that I am desperate to see come to Jesus. There are some victories I want to see, some battles I want to win and that is going to require spiritual stamina, spiritual endurance and strength. So yes, I’m still digging my heels in; I want to be stronger. What about you, do you want to experience God’s strength in a greater way than ever?
More than Just Talk
We’ve got to do more than talk about being strong in the Lord, we’ve got to access it as we walk close to Jesus. In this teaching I want to encourage you to go after your victory.
I promise this video doesn’t touch the stuff I’ve already told you about Habakkuk. He shares some insight about strength that I believe we need for the things we are facing today.
Habakkuk 3:19 English Standard Version
GOD, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places. To the choirmaster: with stringed instruments.

Habakkuk declared the Lord is my strength.
Use your mouth. Your words are powerful.
Declare what God has promised you.
to build your faith.
Because it encourages you and inspires you to keep going.
Saying it helps you to focus on what you are going after.
Like a gold miner stakes a claim for gold before he mines it out of the ground. He believes it’s there, so he stakes his claim.
He makes my feet like the deer’s

Habakkuk knew that he was facing some really hard times and that he would need to navigate through those difficult times. And like a deer progresses on the difficult ledges, steep cliffs and high places, God was going to enable him, just like God enabled the deer to navigate in the hard times and situations that were ahead of him.
Habakkuk was saying just like God gives the deer special feet, He has prepared everything I need for this situation too.

2 Peter 1:3 ESV
His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence,
God designed specialized feet for deer and goats that enable them to climb in rocky places. God knows exactly what you need that get you through tough times or the things that you need to fulfill God’s vision for your life and ministry. He gives us favor, power and opportunity.

You are a winner
2 Cor 2:14 NKJ
Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
We triumph through Christ because He
helps us overcome.
leads us to victory.
is Jehovah Nissi our banner of victory.
You have a role in your victory!
He gives you deer feet (the tools, the wisdom, the talent) so that can get you there, but you have to pursue that place. You have to use the tools, develop the talent so you can navigate hard times, reach your business goal.
“He makes me tread on my high places”
When you tread you make a path for others, like a deer makes ruts through the woods or kids make paths in a park. It’s influence. It’s helping other’s see the right path to take.
Beautiful feet…on the mountains…proclaim peace
Isaiah 52:7 BSB How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
Nourish your Spirit man with the Bible
Ephesians 6:15 KJV And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
2nd Picture A warrior putting on his shoes
Allowing the Bible to permeate your mind, your emotions, your beliefs in every area of your life.
(i-ray’-nay) peace of mind, quietness, a common Jewish farewell, when all essential parts are joined together; God’s gift of wholeness
Goat Lick, MT
I am absolutely intrigued by nature, but the photograph in the gift shop stopped me in my tracks. My mind flooded with questions as I pondered the phenomenon of this photograph. It was a picture of mountain goats on the side of a cliff at Goat Lick, MT. The thing that intrigued me was the number of goats on the side of that mountain. It was covered with them!!!
I was skeptical.
Was this photograph for real? It looked like way too many goats in one place to me. Why were they all hanging out on the side of the mountain? How did they get there? And why did they have their babies with them?
It was hot when we arrived at Goat Lick.
There were no goats on the salt licks. They were probably relaxing in a cool shade, chewing the cud, while we were standing in the glaring sun hunting for them. Something’s wrong with that picture.
The cliffs were even steeper than they looked in the picture.
It was hard to imagine that anything could hang out on an incline that steep. In comparison, we climbed a steep, but much shorter, more gradual incline to the roadway where two nannies were grazing quietly in the shade of the bridge.
It was a hard climb for inexperienced people.
And I repeat, it wasn’t a mountain climb, but it was tough. But, goats climb ridiculously steep, almost vertical cliffs effortlessly. And they don’t just climb, they jump and stop to enjoy their favorite treat- the salt licks.
Climbing is what they do!
Mountain goats are powerful climbers. They climb up and across; smooth slippery rocks, gravel that would roll and slip under our feet, steep grades and straight up climbs and even the babies do it too!
Not only do they climb, they jump too!
They can jump as far as 12 feet in a single bound. And those amazing feet helps them do it!
Special Feet is part of God’s divine design.
Goats hanging out on the side of a mountain licking the rocks.
Why do the goats lick the salt?
They like it. It tastes so good. It gives them a dopamine response
They need it. It helps them grow faster; produce more milk; maintain healthy appetite and body weight.
A Salt Covenant in the Bible
3 times- salt was regarded as a necessary ingredient of the daily food Arabic expression, “There is salt between us” means their hospitality has cemented our friendship.
- God Established food provision for the priests & their families. Numbers 18:19
- Don’t offer a grain offering w/o salt. And when you add the salt. I want you to remember this covenant is forever. Lev 2:13
- David’s throne would be forever. 2Chronicles 13:5 God’s Promise to David. I’m going to build you a house Your throne shall be established forever.’”
The Bible is more than nice stories about nice people or strange stories about not so nice people. It is God’s love letter to us. It is our covenant. More than a contract. It is a covenant that Jesus sealed with His life blood.
Believe that God is your strength. Ask God for His strength instead of depending on your own. Begin to believe and live like you believe you are in covenant with God.