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Before you check out my posts, let me show you 3 things that I'm passionate about!!

Dreams Do Come True- Prodigal Family Film

Dreams Do Come True



Mark Harper is doing more than dreaming a dream. He is living it! As long as I have known him, which goes way back, he has always been a person that thinks out of the box. He has spent years as a Children’s Pastor, writing curriculum, training children’s ministry leaders and equipping families. And for years he has written and produced short films to use as part of his teaching strategy. Media is important and a viable teaching tool in today’s culture. For years, Mark had a dream, a dream to make a full length movie.



Some people dream soap bubble dreams that drift through their minds and pop quickly. But not Pastor Mark. He put prayer and work into his dream. He developed strategy and pulled together a team of people that could help make his dream a reality. This week his dream became just that–a reality. This week, his full length movie was released. Prodigal, is a family movie for ages 12 and up. You can read Mark’s story. Or for more information about the Prodigal DVD



In a culture of fallen heroes and sleepy saints I am thrilled to hear success stories. I share Pastor Mark’s story for two reasons.

1. It’s time for you to dream again.

2. It time for you to invest in somebody else’s dream.


In my Leading Like Moses Series, I talk about the difference between copying someone’s dream and dreaming God’s dream for your life. Moses could have dreamed of being a Pharaoh, but God had a different dream for him!


Joseph’s brothers were jealous when they heard Joseph’s dream. Instead of supporting they tried to kill him. While most of us don’t go to the drastic measures that they did, still we watch people struggle instead of helping them carry the load.

  • Who do you know that has a big dream?
  • How can you help?
  • Then do it! Actually help them.


Sometimes that means rolling up your sleeves and putting some sweat equity into their dream. But it can be as simple as saying something encouraging. A pat on the shoulder, a genuine, “You can do it!” can go a long ways.


Sometimes, it’s as simple as purchasing a good DVD on the week it’s released. You can purchase it at Christian Books online for $12.99, (You’ll have to pay shipping) but I was excited to see it so I got mine at Family Christian for $14.99. I hope you’ll get it too.


Children’s Pastors are SPECIAL people! I’m constantly wowed by them. So proud of you Mark! Good job!


Links in this post:

Mark’s story

Prodigal DVD

My Leadership teaching: Leading Like Moses


When You Struggle to trust God…

Why did the rabbit cross the road?

It was a dark foggy, moonless night in the mountains. The headlight beams of his Jeep bounced and jiggled as the tired traveler headed toward his log home. As soon as Jim topped the hill, he spotted a small rabbit in the extremities of his headlights as it shot across the road. Jim slowed his vehicle to be sure that he didn’t hit the rabbit.


The bunny crossed at a blurring speed, reached the edge of the road, then leaped high into the air to cross the ditch that twisted and turned parallel to the road. But in the instant it took the rabbit to leap and while the rabbit was still mid-air, an owl swooped down and snatched the rabbit away in his talons. Not a pretty picture if you like rabbits.


What is that makes a rabbit or a squirrel, for that matter, want to dart across the road just in front of your car? It’s a mystery to me, but it has happened more times than I can count. You’re driving along, minding your own business, when an adorable little creature darts out of nowhere, directly into your path. It makes me ask the proverbial question, “Why did the rabbit cross the road?”  And Wayne answers, “Because he was chicken, silly!”


But look at this picture for a minute. The rabbit was safe beside the road. The grass was tall. The night was foggy. He was safe– until he moved. He was safe until he crossed the road. What drove him from his safe place to the owl’s dinner plate? The bright headlights must have frightened the small creature and drove him from his feeding place to a dinner plate. Fear drove the rabbit from a safe place into a dangerous place.


And what about you? Have you ever allowed fear or panic or stress to drive you from a safe place into a dangerous place. Panic will do that to you. Panic will make you do crazy things…crazy things. It will catapult you from a safe place into a disastrous place!


I’m not advocating moving into a fetal position or into a cowardice hiding place. That’s living in fear. If you’re living in fear, you’re already living in a disastrous place. And you need to take steps to get free from the fear that imprisons you.


God has a shelter for you. I’m not talking about a hide-a-way where the enemy cannot find you. His shelter is not a place of inactivity or immobility. It’s a place of strength, faith and confidence. It’s a bold place. A grace place. His shelter–His house–a place to live–God’s presence.


rest in the shadow of the AlmightyPsalms 91 describes it for us. Psalms 91:1 NLT Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 This I declare of the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. 3 For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from the fatal plague. 4 He will shield you with his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers. His faithful promises are your armor and protection. 5 Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor fear the dangers of the day, 6 nor dread the plague that stalks in darkness, nor the disaster that strikes at midday. 7Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you. 8 But you will see it with your eyes; you will see how the wicked are punished. 9 If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter,


Did you see the description in verse 1; “rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” This rest goes beyond reclining or resting in the shade of a tree. It reflects a state of emotional rest and confidence. Stepping out because you trust Him.


It’s like a son following close in his father’s shadow. When Jason, my son was little, he would play in his dad’s shadow. The shadow was so big, his tiny steps could hardly keep up and stay inside the shadow. In order to stay in his dad’s shadow he had to stay with his dad. No rabbit trails. No running off. No stopping to play in the mud. He had to stay with his dad.


Walking in His shadow is restful, but you are confident in Him. It is living, breathing, and walking in His strength. Luke 17:28 KJV “For in him we live, and move, and have our being ;” It is leaning into Him. Learning from Him, listening to Him.


Exodus 14:10 describes a scene where the people of God start to panic. Now panic will make you do crazy things…crazy things. After spectacular miracles and amazing favoritism sent by the hand of God, the Jewish people stood on the banks of the Red Sea. No bridge. No boat. Not even a detour was possible, because they watched as Pharaoh’s army marched closer and closer. NLT  “As Pharaoh and his army approached, the people of Israel could see them in the distance, marching toward them. The people began to panic, and they cried out to the LORD for help” They cried out to God, but it you follow the next verse, their cries seem to be more panic filled complaints, because next they turned on Moses to vent their frustration and fear. Moses encouraged them with faith filled words. God had a plan.


And He still does. But finding the plan means embracing Him. Living and walking close enough to Him that you can hear His voice and follow where He is leading. Psalms 37:7 NLT “Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.”


Don’t let fear drive you from your safe place. Build your faith and confidence about who He is by feeding your Spirit. Let me repeat the instructions from Psalms 37:

  • Be Still
  • Don’t Worry
  • Don’t Fret

Eat Up to Grow Up

Eat Up to Grow Up

Little babies grow fast. To a nursing mother it can seem like they want to eat all the time. Often, a healthy baby will initially want to eat every two hours, and then every four hours. A baby often doubles its weight in about four months. But some babies have what is called “failure to […]

Take Him With You!

Take Him With You!

She was the official princess in the Holland house. Michael, our nephew and his wife Heather have an adorable and gregarious four years old. Her mom explained to her that she was going to have a baby sister. She watched as her, soon to be their, room was repainted and redecorated. She loved “her” new room, […]

Can people see the light of Jesus in you?

Olympic 2012 Flame Went Out

It’s an uncomfortable question, because it’s a primary role of every believer. Jesus reminds us that no one hides the light, instead they put it on a stand where it can be seen. And because it matters so much, it is a question we need to ask ourselves, “Can people see the light of Jesus […]

Can I Take The Boards Off Now? Warning!

Can I Take the Boards Off Now? Warning

Several months ago, Jason let me borrow “Isaac’s Storm” by Erik Larson. Yes, it’s at my house, Jason. I love to read, but I almost never read for fun. I use every spare minute to read for work and ministry. Totally exhausted, I picked it up and decided to start reading it last week. It’s […]

Simply Not Qualified

Don't allow people that don't even know Jesus paint your picture of who He is.

I’m no painter! It should be against the law for me to paint anything, because I make such a mess. And I’m simply not qualified to paint.So don’t call me when you need something painted. That being said, I’m still the painter in the family. I just use plenty of drop cloths, tape off everything […]

See it! Pray for it!



In my whole life I have never seen a child that looked or acted more like their dad than my grandson, Brayden. He is 7 years old now and I’m still awestruck at the amazing similarities. But there’s one way he’s like his Nana, that me. He shares my love for  nature.  I hope to make this quick  and painless. I know some people cringe when proud grandmas drag out their pictures or start their stories. But this is a pretty amazing story.  I have to share his amazing first week, back to school story.


Brayden was on his way to the bus stop when he spotted something white beside a brick on the ground. Always on the lookout for something  to collect, he bent closer. It was only about the size of the end of his thumb. He touched it and it felt squishy. He knew he had found a lizard egg. Smart boy! (I think I have a scientist in the making. Or is this a proud grandma talking? Maybe both.) He handed it to his mom. Way to go Kimberly. She didn’t scream or complain, she took it back to the car to keep for him until he got home from school.


lizard-eggOn the way to take Ashlyn to school, she noticed a distinct change in the egg case and then she realized the lizard had hatched. Now this was super cool. I wish I had been there. To watch a lizard hatch would have to be the coolest thing ever!




You can only imagine the excitement Brayden shared with me that afternoon when he got home. No, they didn’t keep the lizard for him to  see. Sad smile  And no, a picture isn’t even close to the same thing. But enough of my nature loving rantings, I want to do more than brag about Brayden, I want to bring it home to you using this illustration.


baby lizard


As believers we know it’s important to pray.

“… yet ye have not, because ye ask not. James 4:2

“Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask , and ye shall receive , that your joy may be full .” John 16:24

“For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” 1 Timothy 2:2


As believers we know it’s important to live a life of purpose and significance.


But, there’s that game changing word. You know what but means, don’t you? It means forget everything I just said, because I’m about to tell you what I really mean. But, there it is again, now pay attention… as a human being life requires a myriad of responsibilities that overwhelm us. With that in mind how can I fulfill my role as a father (or mother), my job, my home and still live a life of significance and find time to pray. That is a question that leaves most honest people scratching their heads. How can I do it all? The reality is, we really can’t. We have to edit the none essentials out  of our lives so we accomplish the important things. But that is another blog for another day. My point today is prayer.


Praying for others

Enlarges our circle  of influence.

Is one way to live purposefully and significantly.


when you see pray

Start Seeing

Brayden would have missed, and for that matter his Nana would have missed an amazing experience, if he had not looked.



And when you see it …Pray

When Brayden saw the lizard egg, he picked it up! When you see something, pray. Maybe it is a person riding their bike or someone sitting in the car beside you at the traffic light. You don’t have to know them, just pray for them. It doesn’t have to be aloud. It doesn’t have to be long, just pray. Ask God to help you pray if you’re not sure how to pray about it. Don’t over think it, just pray. Ask God to open your eyes to people around you that need prayer. Pray while you drive. Whisper a prayer for someone while you shop or pick up  the dry cleaning.



Then there are prayer reminders that I have established in my life. Kinda like tying a string around my finger. When I see them, I pray.



Let me give you my two favorites.

Political Advertisements

Every time a political advertisement comes on the TV or radio, instead of pushing the button on the remote. I push my prayer button. I pray….

     1. that God will open people’s eyes to the truth instead of political rhetoric.

     2. that God will help people to receive the truth and act on truth instead of lies.


School Bus

      1. I pray for the children on the bus and the bus driver. I pray for their safety and that they will come to know Christ as their savior.

      2. I pray for the school where they are going, the teachers and the principal. That they will know Christ as their Savior and teach truth.



Needs are all around you. And you can do something about them. Start by noticing…but don’t stop there…PRAY!


OK! I know you’re out there with lots of prayer ideas to share. What are some prayer reminders that you have in put in place to help you remember to pray for specific things? Share them with us.


More Links on Prayer:


Then Why Don’t We Pray 


Teaching Children to Pray teach children to pray


Take a Leap of Faith 



No Might to Fight 


Think Missional! Pass this on to someone you think may enjoy it or need it.

Friend or Fiend

strangler fig wraps itself around a nearby tree. It wasn't what it looked like.

 S 512

It looked like a picture of true friendship to me. I got so excited, “Look, baby. You gotta take a picture of this tree.” I was already working on my next blog. It was going to be about how one tree, wrapped its trunk around a palm tree to provide strength and support. That’s what believers should do for each other, wrap our arms around the weak and help them. While we should do that, that’s NOT what was happening in this picture. Wayne took the pictures from multiple angles like I asked him to do. He’s a better photographer than I am. Just one more of his talents. I love that man. Sorry, I sidetracked, but he is the joy of my life. Then we went inside the museum.


The man behind the desk greeted us with, “So you like our strangler fig.”


I answered with a bubbly, but ignorant sounding, “Huh?”


“The strangler fig. I saw you taking pictures of it,” the museum guide explained further. “It will kill the palms tree.”


There goes my inspirational blog. But like Normand, I needed to pay attention, there was something God was trying to say to me. But I had some listening to do. (Did you read his building healthy christian relationships


Three things have taken place in the quietness of its growth.

1. It strangles its host like a “botanical boa constrictor”.

2. The profusion of roots gobble the nutrients from the soil.

3. The higher canopy leaves the host tree in the shade. Trees need sunshine, not shade to grow.

 building healthy christian relationships



Eventually the host tree dies in the shade of the towering strangler fig. Here’s a picture Wayne had taken on Pelican Island of a dead host tree, decaying away, with a strangler fig wrapped and growing around it.


There’s something I find very alarming in this picture, while they will grow on a variety of trees, they will also grow on the strong, mighty trees as well. They attack strong trees like bald cypress, oaks and palms. Sad plight for trees that can endure storms, high winds, blights, and bugs, but die in the arms of a strangler fig.


Sometimes its hard to distinguish between a friend and fiend. Discovering who they really “R” is vital. Discovering if they  “R” a fRiend or a fiend calls for spiritual discernment. There are people that sound so nice and warm and friendly, but they are trouble, trouble, TROUBLE. That person that looks like a friend, may actually be a fiend. No, I’m not calling them a devil, but I’m trying to say they are really sent by the enemy to choke the life out of you. They are sent to distract you, to rob from you and if you let them, they’ll choke the very life out of you.


Don’t misunderstand me. Friends are sooo important. I really mean it, they are so important to our spiritual growth and success. My life has been dramatically enriched by friendships. I also have some friends that have been sent for me to encourage and love on and to help them grow. I even have some friends that are unsaved. I wish I had more unsaved friends, but that’s another story for another day. Yet the fact remains, those people that we give closest access to our hearts must be chosen very carefully.







I believe God was saying two things about relationships very clearly.

1. Everyone that looks and acts like a friend, isn’t necessarily your friend at all.

2. Even the mighty succumb to the power of a strangler fig.



My take away:

Proverbs 14:16 “The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with great confidence.”  Father, help me to recognize the people in my life that are potential fig stranglers (not the right relationships to hold in my inner circle). While I’m not going to drag out my magnifying glass and go on a search for them, I will listen to His voice when he warns me about the presence of a strangler fig (wrong relationship) in my life.





    • Some warning signs that I have an unhealthy close relationship.
      • Their influence leaves me wanting more of the world instead of more of God.
      • I’m becoming more like them, and what I see conflicts with my spiritual values.
      • I’m more interested in pleasing them, than pleasing God.
      • I’m giving them too much control and influence in my life.
      • I’m spending too much time with them.



When I recognize a fig strangler or wrong relationship I will:

  • Pray for them.
  • Love them.
  • Refuse to gossip about them.
  • Listen to God. Does He want you to severe this relationship or just bring balance in it? Then do what He says.


Here’s a video of this amazing plant.






 Think MISSIONAL. If you know someone that would enjoy this blog, please pass it on!





A Fancy Word for It- Share

A fancy word wraps a plain word and makes its meaning clearer and more powerful. There’s a fancy word for almost everything. Anger has the fancy word apoplectic. Unregenerate has obdurate. Unfinished has inchoate. A fancy word wraps a plain word and makes its meaning clearer and more powerful. I love words, but I don’t use too many fancy words. I’m working on becoming a better wordsmith, but don’t expect to see me use the word apoplectic or obdurate in my next blog. I don’t think you’ll ever read a word in my blog that will compel you to visit a dictionary. I’m just not that skillful with words. I love the masters like Charles Swindoll and Jack Hayford that skillfully sculpt a sentence into a masterpiece. I find myself reading slowly, licking my lips and savoring each luscious word. (Luscious is just about as big as it gets with me and I had to do a spell check to spell it right.)  Words paint a picture and convey an emotion. Words instruct and guide. 


But sometimes fancy words intimidates us.They stop us or discourage us. Did I loose you? Let me explain with where I was headed in the first place. Let’s take witnessing for example. Calm down, I feel you shaking all the way to my house.  I’m not asking you to run out and witness on the street corner. The word witnessing is intimidating! Unless you are like my good friend Pete Combs. He’s the superman of witnessing! I am constantly amazed at that man! 



But if you’re like me the thought of going witnessing is scary stuff! But if you asked me to share my favorite recipe with you, that wouldn’t scare me. Unless of course you read my recent blog post, No More Burned Popcorn, then we both know you’re not going to be asking me for a recipe for anything. OK, so let’s talk about something more realistic. Let’s say I found a fabulous bargain on costume jewelry and I knew you enjoyed bling as much as I do. Sorry men, keep reading, you’ll get the point too. I wouldn’t be scared or intimidated  to call you with the good news. Even if I knew you hated the store where I found the great bargain, I would have to tell you about my great news. 


     I would share the good news with you for two reasons:

          1. It’s good news.

          2. I know you would benefit from the good news.



And that is exactly why we need to  wit…no, I’m not going to use that scary word. That’s why we need to share, that’s the word I’m looking for, share, just like I would share the good news that I’m gonna have a new grand-baby or that I found a million dollars or you get the picture. We must share the good news of Jesus with our friends. His saving power is good news. His love is good news. His healing is good news. His grace is good news. Jesus is just plain good news, too good not to share.



On Wednesday night, my pastor shared an interesting story about Oliver Cromwell. He was born April 25, 1599 and died September 3, 1658. He was an English military and political leader and later Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England. Silver for coinage was in limited supply. After a month long search for silver was completed, Mr. Cromwell was given the report, “We have searched the Empire in vain seeking to find silver. To our dismay, we found none anywhere except in the cathedrals where the statues of the saints are made of choice silver.” Cromwell ordered, “Let’s melt down the saints and put them into circulation.”


Good advice for then and now! Lord, melt us, your saints called to good works, melt us with the fire of precious Holy Spirit. Melt us in the furnace of your love. Conform us into your image and put us into circulation in a world that is dying without Christ.



Here’s a link that I found that does an amazing, absolutely powerful job on …Sharing What You Know.

I hope it will bless you like it did me.



Think MISSIONAL. If you know someone that would enjoy this blog, please pass it on!




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