How do we live the powerful, purposeful and fruitful lives God intended?
Jesus promised that the Father would send Holy Spirit to be our: helper, encourager, guide, and comforter. And He did at Pentecost!
God has more for you!
How do we access God’s power to live mighty in the earth today?
How do we win over sin?
Are we left to figure it all out for ourselves?
I am thrilled to say that the same Holy Spirit that filled believers in the book of Acts, and empowered them to do the works of Jesus, is filling believers today.
That’s awesome news!!!!
But that’s not enough to launch you to victory.
You need more…you need to experience Holy Spirit infilling personally!
In the Old Testament
Holy Spirit rests on specific people for specific jobs.
We see Holy Spirit enable specific people for specific tasks in the Old Testament.
In the New Testament
Holy Spirit is the Father’s promised gift!
In the New Testament Holy Spirit came to live inside believers.
He came on the day of Pentecost, just like Jesus promised His disciples. He came to fill believers!
If it important for the followers of Jesus to receive the Holy Spirit, then it’s still important.
And you don’t have to wait, because the Holy Spirit is here!
I want to help you know Holy Spirit Better!
Discover the joy of Spirit filled living!
I’ve combined the richness of the book of Acts with life-giving experiences for the modern believer.
My stories are down-to-earth, personal stories to make truths about Holy Spirit easy to grasp for beginners.
My passion for Holy Spirit compels the most seasoned seekers to rediscover the power found in the Book of Acts.
Most of all, I want to help you to live in the power of Holy Spirit in order to live victorious, fruitful life.