Angel shared this story with me last September and I knew it was one I just had to share with you. It is a powerful story and the best part is, it TRUE! Angel is an amazing lady! And her story is fabulous!
In February 2000, after too many asthma attacks to count we were desperate. The adult doses of system raging steroids that kept our four year old son Jonah’s air way open day in and day out were taking their toll on his overall health and I just knew this was not God’s plan for his life. I took Jonah with me to hear Randy Clark speak in Englewood FL. I’d heard first hand accounts of God’s healing power moving through Randy. I told the Lord that if, when Randy prayed, I saw a manifestation of the Spirit on Jonah I would take him off all of the medication immediately in faith. Removing a child from such meds is serious business and not to be taken lightly. What happened that evening threw my theology for a permanent loop.
Jonah attended the children’s service during worship and Randy’s message.
After several hours it was time for the alter-call. I flew to the kid’s room and asked to sign him out. The children’s pastor tried to explain how brave Jonah was as he asked for prayer for healing asthma. She quickly told me that the children laid hands on him and prayed. In too much of a hurry to get him to the “real minister,” the anointed adult, I said “Oh how sweet,” and rushed off for the sanctuary.
I escorted Jonah to the line at the alter and waited in heart pounding anticipation.
Randy knelt in front of my precious 4 year old and prayed with power and sincerity. Crickets sang… nothing happened. No evidence of our powerful God setting my son free what so ever. Heartbroken, I walked with Jonah out to the foyer to connect with my friend Deena. My disappointment was evident as I told her how convinced I felt that my son would be healed that night.
Jonah clamored for my attention by tugging at my pant leg, I finally looked down and said, “What’s up buddy?”
He convincingly exclaimed, “Mommy, God healed me when the children prayed!”
My eyes widened, I looked again at my friend… “What am I supposed to do with that??”
How could the prayers of a child be so powerful?
They don’t understand the deep and powerful things of God! Matthew 11:25 says “At that time Jesus said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.’”
Such arrogance on my part is now laughable, as if any of us do completely understand.
So I looked at Jonah and said, “Are you sure? What happened?” With childlike faith and simplicity Jonah said, “They prayed and it left.”
Jonah is now 17 years old and has never taken another steroid or any other asthma medication again!!!
Six weeks later I made an appointment with his pediatrician. Dr. La Rue walked in the examining room and asked what was wrong with Jonah. I said, “Just give his lungs a listen.”
Puzzled he said, “They sound great.” I explained what happened and that Jonah had been off the meds for six weeks. Stunned, Dr. La Rue shook his head in awe.
Praise God!!! I’m not attempting to explain what happened or defend miraculous healing; I’m just telling it like it is… God is so good and we are indescribably grateful to Him for answering the prayers of His pint-sized saints with a resounding “YES!”
Thank you Angel, for sharing this inspiring story of a healing miracle. Thank you Father, for healing Jonah! I’m so thankful that YOU still heal today. And it’s not about the size of the hand being laid on you to pray, it’s about the size of God’s healing hand that touches us when we dare to believe He will!

Adjunct Professor
Mom of two
Lover of God & Kids
Angel is a mother of two children and an adjunct professor at South Eastern University in Lakeland, Fl. She is currently writing a book on how to bring parents back to the primary role of spiritual leadership with their children.
I have two reasons for sharing this post
- I’ve started a series on prayer and what better way to talk about prayer than hear a praise report. This story illustrates answered prayer.
- Praise reports of God’s goodness builds faith in your heart.
Maybe you need healing. The most important thing you can do right now is to build your faith with Scriptures. So I took some of the pictures that I absolutely love and put scriptures on them that I absolutely love and posted them on my site.
Here’s the link.
Healing Scriptures (verses is what we say in Children’s Ministry) to pray.
I hope you’ll share this post!
Don’t forget, I love you. I’m praying for you!
And don’t miss Tuesday’s post. It’s going to be a super funny. My friend Diane Daniel gave me a list of things that absolutely should never happen. I can’t wait to share them! She is one more funny lady!