Are you sensing the need to know how to hear God better?
I have walked through some things recently where I have felt like I was walking through a minefield and every step was a matter of life and death. I needed to hear God better.
I’ve been desperately aware that Precious Holy Spirit knows where the enemy has hidden the landmines (sometimes land MINDS) and wants to show me where they are hidden.

I am so thankful that He doesn’t send me off with a condescending pat on the back and a trite, “Be careful out there!”
No way! NO WAY!
In the Old Testament, Precious Holy Spirit came as a visitor empowering people for specific jobs. In the New Testament He came to take up residence within us and to guide us into ALL truth.
My Role
I understand I have a responsibility to do my part if I want to hear God better.
Each of the writers of the gospels tell a different story following the story of “The Triumphant Entry of Jesus”. But the story in John’s Gospel resonates as I search God’s Word to learn to hear God better. It is a powerful true story that illustrates how different people heard God when He spoke.
I can feel the joy, the absolute ecstasy of the people, as I read the accounts in the gospels of the triumphant entry of Jesus that day. The Bible doesn’t tell us what Jesus felt while the people celebrated. But, John pulls back the curtain to show us the heart of Jesus after the event.
John 12:23, 27-29
But Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
Jesus understood the significance of this event. It was prophesied by the prophet Zechariah. Zechariah 9:9–13
Zechariah saw not only the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem but also the blood covenant that was required to release prisoners from the stronghold of sin. Jesus wanted to prepare His disciples for His death, so He continued.
27 Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say?
‘Father, save Me from this hour’? No, it is for this purpose that I have come to this hour.
28 Father, glorify Your name!”
Then a voice came from heaven:
“I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.”
Pay Attention.
OK! This next verse is very important. I don’t want you to miss this.
29 The crowd standing there heard it and said that it had thundered.
Others said that an angel had spoken to Him.
30 In response, Jesus said, “This voice was not for My benefit, but yours.
The crowd heard thunder.
The crowd is often made up of curious adventurous individuals, driven by is excitement and adrenalin. We aren’t surprised that they heard thunder. That’s exactly what they were expecting…something loud…something exciting…something powerful.
But some recognized the spiritual significance. Maybe it was the religious people. Some thought an angel was speaking to Jesus. They weren’t much better off than the crowd, which isn’t really surprising either.
But Jesus said… “This voice was not for My benefit, but yours.”
They missed the voice of God.
They missed the understanding, the significance of this moment, because they hadn’t trained their ears to hear God better.

Please hear me.
I know that sometimes God speaks so clearly that I have no doubt God is speaking. He speaks to me through His Word. He speaks to me through a phone call of a brother or sister.
But there comes a time for
God’s children to learn
how to hear God’s voice.
Luke 8:18 Amplified Bible
So be careful how you listen; for whoever has [a teachable heart], to him more [understanding] will be given; and whoever does not have [a longing for truth], even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him.”
God speaks to YOU!
Please don’t believe the lie that He doesn’t speak to you. If you are His child…He talks to you!!!!
What’s hindering you?
Maybe you just need to get the earplugs out, so you can hear what He’s been saying to you for a long, long time! he has a personal message to you, that you need to hear. So start listening.
I’m not being mean. This is just no time to miss what God is saying.
Sometimes God says things I don’t want to hear.
Sometimes He says, “You have a wrong attitude.”
Or “Your attitude stinks!” He’s not being mean. I just ignored the previous instruction, “You have a wrong attitude. When He persisted, I reluctantly listened. “So, I repent”.
Or “Love better.” So, I cry out for Him to give me some of His love.
God sees better than you!
Dear friend, God sees the beginning from the end. His eyes see the truth clearly and sometimes you don’t. Sometimes your emotions muddle the truth, so all you see is the mud and not the truth.
God has sent Precious Holy Spirit to guide you. So listen.
You won’t hear Him if you don’t listen.
Open your Bible expecting Him to answer.
Ask Him questions. As you go about your day, listen for answers. Sometimes He uses ordinary circumstances to answer. So be careful to recognize His voice in ordinary things! Don’t explain it away, when He gives you an answer.