Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself.
I’m Pat Holland and I am one hungry lady- hungry to know God and see more people know Him too! I have an insatiable hunger to know God and experience His presence. That hunger has me seeking God with all my heart! I am on a search for more than facts, I want to live out His love in my everyday life. Because I have lived LOVED my whole life, I want to share His love with others!
I’m also a fixer upper. I love to unlock the beauty inside old and broken things. Maybe I get that from my Father, cause He seems to love healing and restoring broken lives. I’ve seen the beauty of lives He has healed, restored and set free first hand, So my favorite thing to do in life is to point people to Jesus- the Fixer Upper Expert! I point people to His answers, His solutions and His remarkable interventions, because they work.
You can read more about me and the love of my life at

My Goal is always to make
the Bible Come Alive!
The Bible isn't a dusty ole book on a shelf. I want to make it so easy understand that people walk it out in their everyday life.Equip Believers with the Word
I’m a connector. I connect people with Truth, the Word of God made flesh-Jesus. I use stories and illustrations to connect with people’s hearts and drive home powerful life changing principles. People need more than hype; they need real answers to real problems. I teach and preach truths that inspire people to build their faith, develop prayer habits and learn to glean spiritual insight by hearing and obeying Scripture. The Bible contains real answers…I’m called to help people take the Bible off the shelf and show them how to walk it out in their everyday life.