Not Guilty!?

deal with guilt. Unwarranted the refuse it.

not guilty. When we repent God forgives us and declares us not guilty.

Not guilty. Then why do I feel guilty? And when I am guilty, why do I want to hide it?

I’ve noticed, that at least kids have the same problem that I do.

One of my favorite television shows is America’s Funniest Videos.

Sometimes I laugh so hard my face hurts. The clips that amaze me the most are of little kids that are caught red-handed in the middle of doing something wrong and they bold-face deny that they were involved. You see the chocolate (or whatever) all over their face, their clothes, the floor and the furniture and yet they continue to shake their head in denial.

But the truth is–that desire to cover our wrong doing never stops.

Why is it so hard to admit our guilt?

 Why do we sidestep guilt as if it were a snake to avoid?

Is it our




faulty sense of right and wrong?


Guilt can be good!

I know that you must be shocked by such a ridiculous sounding statement. I didn’t say it made you feel good! No one likes to feel guilty. But it’s like “some” company that arrives at your house. It’s good when they come, but better when they leave. (Did I really say that? OH! MY! Not all company…but…”some” company…enough said!) Guilt can be good when it comes and better when it leaves if I have dealt with it wisely!


When guilt comes I don’t…

I don't set a place at my table for guilt.


set a plate at the table for it.

try to cover it with excuses like a dainty doily covers a scratch on the coffee table

or shove it into a dark closet to come tumbling out when I open the door.

I assure you that I always do “the happy dance” when guilt is gone!


Let me make myself clear.

Guilt has something to tell us when it arrives. We need to listen, identify where it comes from and process it appropriately in order to get rid of it!

So Guilt is good and bad.

It is good in the same way that you experience pain when you touch a hot stove. That pain will cause you to jerk your hand away so the destruction does not continue. Without the ability to feel that pain you won’t get the message to move your hand.


It’s bad (and it can be horrible) if we don’t deal with it properly!

So, when it comes; here are some suggestions to help you identify the kind of guilt you are dealing with.

A doctor doesn’t write you a prescription before he diagnoses your problem. Take the guilt that you feel to Jesus. Don’t wait until it is a big problem. When you get the first glimpse of guilt–pray.  If you pray about a parking spot, then don’t neglect something as important as guilt. Ask God to show you what the source of your guilt is. Ask God for wisdom and insight.

Sometimes guilt is self-inflicted.

Yes, we can do it by comparing ourselves with others or participating in negative self-talk that goes on in your brain. Excuse yourself from the comparison game and self-defeating talk. You are sabotaging yourself! Only you can do something about that. And that’s great news, you don’t have to wait on anyone else to change. You can do it right this minute. Begin by guard your thoughts. When a toxic thought arrives, replace it with God’s Word. Declare God’s truth aloud! Sing it! Resist it.


Ask God for wisdom. Are you beating yourself up with guilt over  an honest mistake? Then forgive yourself. We’ve all done stupid things, things we regret, but don’t let regret fester into guilt. Learn from your mistakes. Grow from them. After that, if guilt tries to rear its head, talk to it. Refuse and diffuse that kind of guilt. Celebrate who Christ is in you.

I pray that your partnership in the faith may become effective as you fully acknowledge every good thing that is ours in Christ. Philemon 1:6 Berean Study Bible

Quiet the guilt. Sometimes you just gotta quiet the guilt.

Handle the guilt from your unrealistic expectations and perfectionism in the same manner. Deal with the guilt with reasons why these expectations are unrealistic. Again, ask God to exam your heart. That’s what David did. Expose the guilty feeling. Be careful to listen for God’s wisdom. Ask God to set your free from unrealistic expectations and perfectionism. Mediate on specific promises you find in Scripture.


Sometimes people feel guilty for things they didn’t even do. Kids can blame themselves for their parents divorce. And parents can blame themselves for their children’s bad choices. Is the guilt you are feeling a lie? Ask God to open your eyes to see and understand the truth!

Don't beat yourself up with guilt.

let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him. For our guilty consciences have been sprinkled with Christ’s blood to make us clean, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. Hebrews 10:22 NLT


Sometimes guilt comes from people.

Refuse to accept what they are dishing out, just like you refuse liver when your grandma passed the bowl to ya when you ate at her house. Don’t take it. Don’t believe it. And don’t receive it. Just say no!

 you don't have to accept guilt when you're not guilty. Refuse it. No thanks.

Sometimes guilt comes from the devil.

He lies and we listen. That’s why we need to know (understand, believe, receive) the Truth! Answer the enemy’s lies the same way Jesus did when He was tempted in the wilderness–with the whole Truth! He wants you to believe there is no way out of your guilt. He want to attack your identity! Renew your mind. It is so important that you use the Word of God against Him. Again and again we see it in Scripture as God’s strategy for every believer!

deal with guilt. Unwarranted the refuse it.


But sometimes we ARE Guilty? What do you do then? That’s next week’s blog! You don’t want to miss it!


I love you! God bless you. Don’t get entangled with guilt! Jesus came to set you free! If you have a serious issue with guilt get serious help. Seek a professional. Ask for prayer. Get free!

If you were blessed please share it! It helps me and your friends!


Wanna be stronger?  You can be! Let me help!

While we are on the subject,  I have another article I want to share with you .   Guilty Pleasure

3 thoughts on “Not Guilty!?

  1. Opal Mahaffey says:

    Pat I so enjoy your stories I appreciate how you put it so we all can understand. We have to set ourselves free from the guilt and with Jesus we can. Love you Sister Pat.

  2. Pat Holland says:

    You are so precious! I really appreciate your feedback. It really is a partnership. It is God’s idea, God’s strategy but we have the privilege of mixing our faith and obedience to walk in that freedom! It’s a fabulous adventure.

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