Maybe you think the Bible is hard to understand or boring, yet you know the Bible is vital in helping you grow strong as a believer. Come join me, as we study the Bible together, I believe you will fall in love with the Bible because you'll know the author better!

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Before you check out my posts, let me show you 3 things that I'm passionate about!!

The Lesson I Learned at the Wedding Reception

I’m always learning…but honestly the lesson I learned at the wedding reception surprised me. But, let me show you instead of tell you. Come walk with me and let’s take a closer look at the wedding reception at Cana in John 2. You can hear the laughter and the voices trying to talk over the […]

How Do You Catch the Wind of the Holy Spirit?

Catch the wind of the Holy Spirit? Why would I want to catch the wind? And, what do I mean when I say “catch the wind of the Holy Spirit”? The Greek word used for spirit is pneuma which simply means wind, breath or spirit. Many of the attributes of the wind describe what Holy […]

Feeling Stuck? 5 Ways to Get Un Stuck

We built our house almost 20 years ago! (Where has the time gone?) When I say we built it, I mean literally. We hired a contractor to dry it in, then we took over. It took us months. We moved in with bare floors and no window stills. We really enjoy working together, so it […]

What do you do with broken things?

What do YOU do with broken things? It depends on whether you are a perfectionist or a re-purposer. Can I explain what I mean with a story? Do you know that everything taste better in a pretty dish? (I can hear my male readers groan, but please stay with me. I’m headed somewhere. I’m going […]

How to never get so satisfied that you stop reaching for more

I’m not satisfied with my weight right now, so when my friend challenged me to lose 5 lbs with her this month I eagerly accepted. I’m working on it! I’m eating right and exercising everyday.   But, there’s a major challenge to getting that weight off. It’s birthday month in the Holland house. Both of […]

What do you do when you ARE guilty?

Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; Acts 3:19 NASB

When you sin…you ARE guilty! Don’t get the idea that because you’ve done something wrong  that you have you carry guilt. God has a much better plan for you. He came to take your sin and your guilt. But, you have a very important role in getting rid of guilt too! Your role! Don’t make […]

Jesus Forever Changed the Meaning of the Cross

Why would anyone wear a cross around their neck? I’m sure you know what happened on a cross! It once was a place where people were crucified; and it is a slow, agonizing, HORRIBLE way to die! How does a cross of gold or silver, even when it is bedazzled with scrolling or diamonds, make […]

2 Really Great Reasons You Should Be Filled With Hope

Maybe is should seem obvious, but sometimes it’s not. That hope filled glow can be seen on children’s faces and in nature’s majestic artistry. Sometimes we see through eyes that are strained with drudgery, pain and struggles. It’s in those times that we need to be filled with hope. And it is in those times […]

Finding Strength


Many retailers and manufacturers have adopted a “just in time” mentality in regards to inventory. Instead of stocking inventory, it is ordered and received right when it is needed. God does that. The truth is sometimes, strength arrives “just in time” too! I am a visual thinker. That means I almost always want to know […]

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