So what are you doing to build your teachers?
Children’s Ministry is Labor Intensive!
I have been on the other side of the door where teachers face the challenges of pouring God’s Word and values into containers that never seem to quit moving. Children’s ministry is both labor and skill intensive.
Kids get rowdy! Teacher’s burnout!
It’s the churches job to care about kids!
So what can we do?
Invest in Teachers!
If you want to invest in children or if you want your teachers to invest in children then you must invest in the teacher first.
Encourage them. Equip them.
Teachers Need to Grow Intelligently & Spiritually
Inspiration and skills are necessary and essential, but as ministry leaders, we cannot afford to stop here, we must help the teachers grow spiritually if they are going to impact the lives of children spiritually.
Show Them You Value Them
Even committed teachers need to feel valued as an integral part of the team.
Keep the Vision Visible
Focus remains sharp for only as long as they can see the goal, that requires regular and meaningful communication.
How are things going in your Children’s Ministry?
Before you answer that question,
Let me ask you a very important question.
When was the last time you evaluated yourself or your team- skill sets; team spirit; or spiritual commitment?
When was the last you or your team attended a conference, watched a training video?
When was the last time your children’s ministry team heard you say “thank you” specifically and personally?
And when was the last time the vision was cast or emphasized to children’s ministry leaders in your church?
Building a great team begins here! Investment. Value. Vision.
Can we give you a hand?
I understand how busy you are. You have lessons to plan, meeting to attend and families to nurture. How do you juggle it all? Don’t try to do it all yourself.
We’ve been there. We know what it’s like to have all the responsibilities that go with children’s ministry without any extra hours to make it happen!
Training needs to be an integral part of your children’s ministry.
You need an ongoing plan to build your teachers! Don’t forget that your training should go beyond skills to inspire the heart of teachers- and that’s what we do best.
We’re passionate about children’s ministry and making the Bible come alive in people’s hearts. You’ll feel that passion in every session you hear.

1. Training Conference
On site at your church.

2. Building Leaders
Monthly Training on CD

3. Appreciation Banquet
1. Conference in Your Church
On Site Training
What will an on-site conference do for your church?
- People will get excited about ministry!
- They go back into the classrooms better equipped/trained and thus happier teachers.
- Attendance will increase because the class is fun and meets student’s needs.
- Recruiting new teachers will become easier and teacher longevity will increase.

Benefits from having an on-site conference in your church:
- A seminar is a tangible way for leadership to show the value they place on the teachers as individuals and their place of ministry.
- Convenience
- Better attendance
- Promote district, community and church unity by inviting area Churches.
- You can customize the conference to meet the needs and interests of your church
- 30 years of Children’s Ministry experience will be poured into your teachers.
- Teachers will catch a fresh vision of the importance of ministering to adults and children
- They will develop new skills and enrich fundamental skills that are vital to classroom success.
- They will be exposed to new products and resources that are available.
What are the benefits for your team?

- Inspiration.
- Children’s ministry is labor intensive. Fresh inspiration is necessary to maintain a focused staff.
- They will develop new skills and reinforce existing skills to make teaching a joy.
- Refreshing. Stop the Burnout! Encouragement and skill development helps prevent teacher burnout.
- Team Building experience. Your team will learn together. Pray together and laugh together. All strong team building activities.
- Your staff will be exposed to new and cutting edge resources that increase effectiveness.
How are our conferences different?
The Passion.
We love children’s ministry and children’s workers. We’ve ministered in both large and small churches for over 30 years. We understand the problems and needs of children’s workers.
Self Discovery.
It will stir up the gifts that God has deposited in your life. There are special gifts that God has deposited in your life. Instead of copying what you see others do, you’ll be challenged to develop the special gifts in your life. Again and again, you’ll say, “I can do that.” You’ll be challenged to do it and do it better than ever!
Strong spiritual focus.
While most seminars focus on only the mechanics, this seminar will stir your staff to lead the children into the presence of God and yet teach strong biblical truths.
- Customizable choices. Customize the conference to meet the needs and interests of your teachers. Schedule a full day or a half day. Morning, afternoon or night sessions to fit the personality and needs of your team.
Who should attend?
Sunday School Teachers and Assistants
Classroom volunteers
Children’s Pastors
Wednesday night Workers: Royal Rangers, Missionettes, Blue Bells, Awana, Adventure Clubs
Outreach Staff: Backyard Bible Clubs, VBS Leaders, Sidewalk Sunday School Staff, and Time Release Staff
If you are in children’s ministry, this conference is for you.
Most sessions are geared toward teachers of elementary age students and above. However, many of the sessions can be adapted for younger teachers as well.
Click here to see a short list of workshop titles.
Contact us for a Training Conference.
Workshop Titles
Save valuable meeting time!
People are busy! It’s hard to get people to meetings, even important ones. This organized training plan eliminates the need for a monthly meeting. Put all your news in a simple newsletter with the outlines that come with the teaching. They can listen to the teaching at their convenience, in the car while commuting to/from work or while doing household chores. They’ll want to listen to them again and again.
Make them accountable
People don’t do what you expect. They do what you inspect. Make the training easy and accessible to everyone. Once a month have the teacher’s pick up a packet with their teaching CD and handout. You might want to stick a little treat in the packet as well to show them your love and appreciation. Have them listen to the teaching and return the completed handout. (You can find great ideas to make your teachers feel special on Steve Greer’s Appreciation CDs.) Once a quarter or semi annually have a Teacher Celebration. When they complete the program give them a certificate of completion made from the master provided in your packet.
Here’s How it Works
You will receive 12 reproducible master teachings on CD , and 12 reproducible handouts. You have permission to duplicate the CDs and handouts for all the teachers in your church. For just pennies per teacher, you can give your teachers a teaching on CD and handout every month that will build another vital teaching skill and inspire them to minister more effectively. They will have the CD in their personal library to refer back to again. Your teachers will want to listen to them again and again. This will increase the learning curve and the probability that they will put the principals in practice.
For beginning or experienced teachers.
How could that be possible? Training for experienced and inexperienced teachers? Sounds like an oxymoron! But these teachings are more than just skill development. These CDs will inspire your teachers and ignite their spiritual passion. Plus these teachings will reinforce the right things they are already doing in the classroom. Positive reinforcement works for teachers too! It’s a great feeling to hear your philosophy and methods reinforced by someone else.
Use these teaching CDs to:
- Train new teachers at home.
- Teach Basic Skills
- Motivate teachers
- Sharpen their skills
- Enlarge their vision
- Prevent teacher burnout
- Create enthusiasm
- Replace monthly meetings
- Express your love & concern for teachers!
Training Titles Include:
. Make the Bible Come Alive
. Great Ways to Use Great Visuals
. How to Tell a Great Story
. Anointed to Minister
. How to Use Costume Characters
. Recruiting Ideas
. Carrying the Torch
. Trees of Righteousness-You Can Be a Godly Leader
. Belonging to a Dream Team
. Growing Kids in the Word
. Discipline that Works
. Involving Kids in Ministry
You can purchase Building Leaders now.

3. Teacher Appreciation Banquet
You can’t say it “TOO” often.
Appreciation isn’t a one time event, it is a way of life. Everyone needs to feel appreciation. An appreciation banquet is a powerful way to express your appreciation and invest in your teachers at the same time. Appreciation banquets are a great way to express your appreciation. A motivating speaker is always a good choice for your banquet. Listen to Patricia to see if she is what you are looking for at your next banquet.Your teachers don’t have to burn out, rekindle that fire with inspiration, skill development and fresh vision. Patricia will bless your ministry team.
Book Pat for your Appreciation Banquet
Click here for some ideas to help you make every team member feel like a SUPER STAR!

U Train 'em!
Teacher Training Blueprint
This resource is an audio teaching, PowerPoint and handout give you the blueprint to help you teach your teachers. This saves you time preparing the handouts, PowerPoint and research, but still gives you the option to customize it to your needs and those of your audience
How It Works
Pray before you listen to the audio teaching.
Ask God to help you fit the lesson to meet the needs of your audience.
Ask Him to help you see the emphasis that God wants you to take with the lesson.
Listen to the audio and preview the PowerPoint visuals for your training session.
Adapt the teaching to fit your time slot, your personality and the needs of your audience.
Copy enough handout sheets for each person attending the session.
Teach the session with confidence.
See the store for a complete list of titles.