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Before you check out my posts, let me show you 3 things that I'm passionate about!!

I’m Connected and I Love It!

prayer connects us with heavenShe is a very intelligent woman, she never allows a grey hair to emerge without coloring it an appropriately modern sandy blond. She dresses sharp, still cuts her own grass and makes the best coconut pie in the whole world. Others have claimed theirs is the best, but I will vouch for the fact, they don’t even come close. And for Christmas she got a smart phone that made her feel totally stupid instead of smart. She still remembers having her first phone installed in her house. It was a black, rotary dial phone that sat on an end table in the living room. The tech savvy giver gave the very intelligent, elderly lady a quick overview of the basics and sent her home to enjoy her “smartphone”.


But at home, when it rang, she couldn’t figure out how to answer it. She put on her glasses and saw a bright green flashing, “Answer” on the screen, but no matter how hard she pushed what she thought should be a button, the phone continued to ring. It was infuriating! She couldn’t even use the phone to make a call, she had no idea how to turn it on. There was nothing on the phone to push or flip, she wanted to throw it, but instead she got some advice from a five year old. Not really, but we all know tons of two years olds that understand how to operate a smart phone. Not because they are smarter, but because they aren’t afraid to try it.


It’s hard for people that are addicted to smartphones to understand that anyone wouldn’t know how to use one. We know that phones aren’t just for talking anymore. We research everything with them. We experience a plethora of sights and sounds from around the world. We store information. Interact with our friends. Check the weather. Catch up on what’s happening in the world. Send texts. Read our emails. Find restaurants. Get directions. The list is absolutely endless. Smartphone users understand the value of being connected.


And so do smart prayers, they just connect with heaven instead of the internet. They understand how to touch God’s throne instead of a phone. That elderly lady may be struggling with how to use a smartphone, but she will tell you “I pray.” She prayed her way through the great depression. She prayed her way through wars, and drought and sickness. She prayed her way through hard times as a share cropper’s wife, living in a small one roomed house with cracks in the floor big enough to see the chickens scurrying below. She prayed over her children. She prayed over big bills and tiny wages. She praised over victories and wept tear puddles over unbelieving family members. And she did more than survive, she thrived. She thrived because she knew prayer was more than talking, it was connecting. She knew prayer was connecting with a God who healed, who saved, who helped her pay bills, who provided. She connected with God and her life is a testimony that it works. Her life says, I pray.


She didn’t take a course on prayer, she just prayed. She didn’t make a list of prayer postures, or wonderful words that would wow God or grab His attention, she just prayed, like the two year old that shows you how to take a picture with your smartphone, she didn’t talk about prayer, she lived it. What about you? Do you pray?


Yes, we are busy, much busier than she was. She ironed everything with a heavy real cast iron that was heated on the fireplace, gathered and chopped the wood for the fire, started the fire, cooked the meals, not from a box, but jars of foods she had grown, harvested and preserved. I’m too tired to continue describing her day, maybe we aren’t as busy as she was, then why don’t we pray?


Too busy to pray, we insist! Yet we spend hours, tons of hours, regularly, on our smartphones because they connect us with our friends, the world, they entertain us, they inform us, they remind us- enough already, this is not a commercial and I hope you are not picking up your keys to go buy another smartphone so you can double your fun. We use our phones because we enjoy the experience and the benefits. And if you don’t pray, you can’t possibly know it’s benefits.


I can’t answer for you, but it seems that the reasons we don’t pray would include thoughts like:

  • I don’t really need anything, so I don’t need to pray.
  • I’m doing fine without prayer.
  • I don’t feel like I need to pray.
  • What difference would it make if I did pray?
  • Prayer isn’t on my list of fun things to do.
  • Let somebody else do it.
  • I’ve got better things to do.
  • I’m not really sure how to pray.
  • I’m not really into the whole prayer thing.
  • And last, but not least, I don’t care what you say Pat, I’m still too busy to pray.


It all boils down to one thing, if we don’t pray, it’s because it is not important to us.

E.M. Bounds sums up the issue with “The little estimate we put on prayer is evidence from the little time we give to it.”


Prayer gets a lot of bad advertising.

If you listen to the in-crowd, they make it sound like praying is for dilapidated old folks or weird people that can’t help themselves. We don’t want prayer in our schools, or in our government and if we didn’t pray over our food it would be extinct from our homes as well. We don’t understand why divorce rattles the window panes of our homes and unrest and fear rattles our sleep. We shake our heads at shocking acts of violence, wince at the long lines of drug and alcohol abuse that end at the gutters of life, and blame everyone, and everything, including God, for the problem. We blame everything, everything, except our prayerless life for the problem.


Yet the strong voice of John Wesley, echoes down the halls of time to remind us, “God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.”


And the voice of a wealthy young man that traded everything to give his life as a missionary in China extols the secret of prayer “The prayer power has never been tried to its full capacity. If we want to see mighty wonders of divine power and grace wrought in the place of weakness, failure and disappointment, let us answer God’s standing challenge, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not!'” (J. Hudson Taylor)

The challenge…God’s challenge from Jer. 33:3 is a call to pray. Not fancy words, not a fancy position, but to call out to Him.


I don’t pray:

  • I don’t pray to change God, I pray to change me.
  • I don’t pray to give God advice, I pray to get advice.
  • I don’t pray because God needs the attention, I pray because I am desperate for His presence.
  • I don’t pray because I feel guilty if I don’t, I pray because I am guilty and He sets me free from the guilt of sin.
  • I don’t pray because I feel like I need it, I pray because I need it whether I feel like it or not. It is a spiritual discipline that produces spiritual results.

 I praise when I'm on top of the world. I pray when the world is on top of me.


I pray:

  • I pray when I know what to say and when I don’t know what to say.
  • I pray when I’m sad and praise when I’m happy.
  • I pray when I’m on top of the world and I pray when the world’s on top of me.
  • I pray when I have time, and when I don’t have time, I make time.
  • I pray…because I’m in love and I’m in love because He loved me first.


I know it’s old fashioned, more old fashioned than a black, rotary phone. I know I’ve rambled and rattled on like an old lady myself, but somebody’s got to share the good news. Prayer is not something to dread or hurry through. Prayer connects us to God…it just doesn’t get any better than that.



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Essentials For the Journey

Essentials For the Journey

Essentials for the JourneyThere are all kinds of packers in this world. Heavy packers, light packers, immature packers and even the Green Bay Packers make my list. I’ve noticed that if you travel a lot and have to carry your own bags you have a tendency to pack lighter. I’ve noticed that last minute packers tend to plan less and carry more. Women almost always carry more stuff than they need, again, unless they have to carry it themselves. Immature packers pack their teddy bear and they are ready to go. They cuddle their teddy bear happily until they reach their destination, then wish they had done differently. The light packer is typically the business traveler, that travels enough to know where they are going, what they will need when they get there and they don’t want to be bothered with excess. And the Green Bay Packers, only one comment; can Aaron Rodgers lead them to victory this Saturday?


If you’ve ever lost your bags on an airline or arrived at your destination with only one shoe or without a hair brush you know the frustration of not having what you need and I can tell you first hand it’s VERY frustrating. So over the years I have become a great packer. I’m a great packer because before I pack anything I answer three questions.

1. Where am I going?

2. What will I be doing?

3. What are the essentials?

As you travel through 2013 you need to answer those three questions. I realize you’ve already walked through many minutes and hours and even several days into 2013. Maybe enough hours and days have passed to clear your head from the sugar high of the holidays and the emotional high of a New Year to answer the questions with clarity. Where are you going this year? What do you want to accomplish for God this year? Remember the Bible says, Ecc 9:10a NKJV “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might;” Colossians 3:23 “Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”


Life is more than entertainment, yet while entertainment should be part of your life-it should not be your whole life. Life is meaningful, when it is filled with purpose, people and purposefully accomplishments. So set some goals. Write them down. What do you want to do? What do you want to learn? Who do you want to help?


Man stomping on suitcase lg clrThe essentials are the things that I carry no matter where I go, deodorant, aren’t you glad? A tooth brush, hair brush and clean underwear are a few items that are always in my suitcase. So I always double check my suitcase for the essentials.


And the essentials for 2013? In my quiet time I’ve been mediating over what are the essentials that I need to take with me into 2013. I want to pack the right things so I will be equipped for the journey. You see life is a journey, not a destination! If my journey is going to be savored and not just spent, then I must identify and value the essentials. I want my life to count. I want to live it in such a way that God will be pleased. And I don’t want to be frustrated as I travel. I want to be equipped, so my time is well spent making me more productive and more effective.


For that to take place, first, I need to take wisdom into my new year.

My mother used to say to me regularly, “Pat, there’s a wrong way, a right way and a hard way. You always pick the hard way.” And the truth is…she was right. But when I take wisdom with me, I learn how to choose the right way. Wisdom doesn’t fall in my lap or jump out to grab my attention. It must be sought, secured and valued. It must be pondered and understood. It demands that I apply it’s principles and stretch and grow. It requires me to move beyond the way I’ve always done things to carve my path with ingenuity and creativity. Wisdom causes me to reach for better, to dream for bigger, to rejoice when I’ve done it well. It causes me to sidestep evil and avoid needless troubles and turmoils.


I also need God’s Love. I’m glad it’s not heavy, because I have to carry a lot with me. I need His love personally and I need some to lavish on others. It is life’s sweetest dessert. Without love, life’s journey becomes a drudgery and a difficult and painful climb. It casts out fear. It is a magnet that brings out the best in people, those that receive it and those that give it. It makes the bitter taste sweet. It brings hope. It encourages. Everything is better with love!


I haven’t always carried the last item on my 2013 essential list. And sometimes, even when I carried it, it was always slipped into the side pocket and I didn’t even use it. But this year I’m going to use it diligently. That life essential is gratitude.


I’ve discovered gratitude is an attitude that goes beyond excitement over a gift I’m given or a place I get to enjoy. Gratitude is more than a passing feeling. Gratitude is a heartfelt realization that i have been given more than i deserve. Gratitude is a song that reverberates from a humble heart that is truly thankful. Gratitude sees more than the gift, it sees the giver and responds from the heart. Gratitude is conceived in the heart, but is not birthed until it is expressed, first to God, then to others. First to God because I understand the reality that He is the given of every good and perfect gift. Gratitude can only be cultivated and honed from a heart that loves and receives love. Gratitude is both emotional and intentional. Gratitude makes the ordinary extraordinary. Gratitude clothes the simple things in regal robes. Gratitude blesses me and those to whom I express it!


And while I’m on the subject. I want to tell you that I appreciate you. Sincerely, from a humble heart, thank you for reading my blog. Many of you read all my posts. If you are reading my blog you are interested in the things of God, you have a heart for God. We have that in common. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak into your life. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you what God is sharing with me.


I pray for my readers often. Today I pray that God will bless you, that He will expand your territory and love through you, speak through you and transform you into the image of His dear Son! I pray that your 2013 will be enriched with wisdom, love and gratitude and that you will love God and obey Him deliberately like never before.


I’d love to hear from you. What are some essentials that you are packing for your 2013?


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Jehovah is a Gracious Giver

Jehovah is a Gracious Giver

Jehovah is a gracious giver

The temple ministry of the priest was done on a rotation basics and it was Zechariah’s turn to minister. Tradition tells us that all the priests that were on active duty gathered in a circle to draw lots, which is kind of like drawing straws, to determine their responsibilities for that week. There were many tasks that could be done only by the priests. The lamps had to be filled with oil. The wicks needed trimming. The ashes had to be removed. What a messy job that was! Included in that list of responsibilities was burning the incense on the altar in the inner court. Burning the incense was an amazing opportunity and Zechariah chose that lot. I can only begin to imagine how exciting that must have been.


Most people would be anxious to tell their wife and kids, but Zechariah didn’t have kids. Elizabeth was barren. In the Jewish culture of that day, it was a disgrace to be childless. Elisabeth wore the emotional shroud of barrenness and shame. Empty arms…empty dreams….


But I don’t think that was even on Zechariah’s mind as he made his way into the inner court. The Bible doesn’t give us a glimpse of his emotions at this point. Was he filled with praise as he removed the old incense ashes and piled the special mixture of aromatic spices into a mound and lite them? As the smoke began to ascend heavenward and a wonderful fragrance filled the room, an angel appeared to Zechariah.  Suddenly he was overwhelmed with fear. Most people in Scripture responded that way when they had a heavenly encounter.


Luke 1:13 “But the angel said, “Don’t be afraid, Zechariah! For God has heard your prayer, and your wife, Elizabeth, will bear you a son! And you are to name him John.”


Then the angel begins to paint a glorious picture for dear old Zach. The angel describes the joy that this little guy would bring into their home. Then he explains  what an awesome man his son would become and how he would prepare the way for the Messiah that they had been looking for so long.


Can you picture this scene?  A bearded, white haired man standing there totally stunned–dazed eyes –his mouth hanging open and then finally muttering something like, “Yeah, right? Impossible! I’m old. She’s old. Old dream. It’s impossible! He couldn’t wrap his head the promise.  His Elisabeth…have a…as old as they were. How? Why now? Why not then?


I think the angel was as shocked at Zach as Zach was at the angel. The angel assured him that they would have a baby, and then continued, ”but because of your unbelief, you will  not be able to speak until it happens!” The people waited for Zechariah to come out and when he did, they realized something extraordinary had happened that day. But Zechariah couldn’t share it, because he was literally speechless!


Elisabeth did conceive…just like the angel said. I wonder how much Zechariah shared with her about  his heavenly encounter in the inner court of the sanctuary. He couldn’t talk, but he could write…did she know about the angel? Did she know before she conceived that she would conceive? When I get to heaven, I want to hear Elisabeth share her story.


The Bible tells us she hid herself. Why ? Did she want to savor the preciousness of that season that she had dreamed of for so long? Was it to protect her joy from crude comments? Was it a sequestered time to pray over that little promise that was growing in her womb? As a mother I know the utter joy she felt as she watched her tummy grow plump and round. She was experiencing a miracle. She was experiencing a gracious gift of Jehovah. She must have said in her heart over and over again…Jehovah is a gracious giver, as she rubbed her stomach. Then moments  later she would again reflect Jehovah is a gracious giver…JEHOVAH is a gracious giver.


Not only was new life growing in her physical womb, I believe something was happening in the womb of her spirit. I believe as  she rehearsed the words ”God you are a gracious giver” again and again  her image of God was changing.  She knew she was going to have a boy,even without the aid of an ultra sound and she knew his name would be John which means “Jehovah is a gracious giver.”


Her friends argued, “Where’d you get a name like that? That’s not a family name.”


But when they asked Zach, he wrote it down for them, “His name is John.”


Jehovah is still a gracious giver. Do you know Him as gracious giver? Do you realize that God has gifts for you…gifts that can only be received when you discover Him as gracious giver? Recognizing that facet of His nature causes you to open your heart to receive from Him.


He is the giver of every good and perfect gift. But our image of God is so blurred and smeared by what we’ve heard about Him that we don’t recognize Him as a giver.Our enemy, satan, has twisted and lied to believers, even as we’ve prayed desperate, sincere prayers. He has whispered and screamed lies  that have distorted  our image of God to the point that many believers hardly know Who He is. But Jehovah is a gracious giver.


For many years audience members dreamed of being on one of Oprah’s “My Favorite” Shows, so they could be on the receiving end of the lavish out pouring of Oprah’s extravagant generosity. We are not shocked by the gifts of generous philanthropist, but our picture of God isn’t always so generous.  We often feel that our long prayers just might pry a little something out of God’s clenched fist. But God is nothing like that. Our limited vision of Him limits our faith.


Bruce Wilkerson explains in his book “Beyond Jabez,” that some people are shocked and even alarmed at the lavish outpouring of blessings on their lives after they began to pray  “The Prayer of Jabez.” He shares that some people were so overwhelmed with blessings that they stopped praying that prayer, because they thought it was wrong to be so blessed. That is an example of people with a wrong image of who God is. God is a gracious giver. In “The Prayer of  Jabez”, p.21, Mr. Wilkerson said,”When we seek God’s blessing as the ultimate value in life, we are throwing ourselves entirely into the river of His will and power and purposes for us. All our other needs become secondary to what we rally want—which is to become wholly immersed in what God is trying to do in us, through us and around us for His glory.”


The Prayer of Jabez 1 Chronicles 4:10 “And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.”


Elisabeth and Zechariah’s gift—John, was a blessing to them, but he was also a blessing to people, both then and now as we see him in the role as the forerunner of Christ. That’s how God’s gifts work. His gifts bless us so we can bless others. God wants to give you good gifts. God wants to bless you, but the rules of the kingdom require that we ask. When we understand His gracious gifts enable us to be equipped to give, serve and bless other, it changes our motive behind the prayer, “Bless me, Lord.” We become a conduit for His blessings to flow through, rather than a container that hoards them selfishly!

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His Name Is…Jesus

His Name Is...

I had a sense of pride about it. I felt that it made me special…having four names. If you asked me I would tell you proudly, “My name is Patricia Anne with an e, Patricia Anne Pat Batley.” I thought I was so special because I had more names than anyone else. I had four names. I didn’t realize Pat was a nickname and almost everyone has a nickname, they just didn’t wear it as proudly as I did mine. Then when I started school, I could never decide what I wanted to be called so every year I rotated it;  Pat one year and Patricia the next. I’m still known by both. Patricia is a fancy name, not nearly as fancy as Victoria or Elisabeth, but Pat really fits me better.


Now my list of names is longer and far more precious than the name my parents gave me. Wayne, my precious sweetheart, calls me Baby. Kimberly and Jason call me Mama. And those Grandbabies, that I never ever get tired of talking about, call me Nana. Nana is a very precious name when it’s used by any of them.


His name shall be called Emmanuel God With Us My Grandchildren love me, but they “really” love their Papa. When Brayden was learning to talk I offered him a banana. He said, “No, Papa. I pointed at a banana and repeated, “Brayden, its a banana…do you want a banana? He reached for the banana—no, papa. Brayden, you really know how to hurt your Nana!


I know names are important and through the years I’ve really tried to remember them. Sometimes I have messed up royally. Once two boys visited my children’s church the same day. One was Snapper and the other was Kevin. One boy and his family came back and began to attend our church. I was so proud of myself for remembering the quiet, adorable little guys name, so I used it often. “Good Morning, Snapper. So nice to see you, Snapper.”

For two months I used and perhaps, overused his name, until one day, two months later by the way, his mom corrected me. “His name is Kevin.” All I could think about was all those times I had called that poor child Snapper. Imagine what he must have been thinking? And why would anyone name their child Snapper. I won’t go there, but I’ve heard worse.


Names identify us and reflect who we are that's why Jesus was given a name above every name. Names are important. Some are family names and we pass them down, even though some sound old and mildewy. Some come from weird places and sound just as weird. Some names are chosen because they are rich with meaning and a parent wants them to be like their name. I guess every parent has a reason.


God has lots of names. Each of which reveals and describes who He is accurately. He shares and reveals and uncovers each name like we open a beautifully wrapped present so we can glimpse another facet of who He is and what He is like.


God shared a special revelation with Isaiah about a special baby that would be born, even going into details about His name. He gave adjectives that described His nature that we would use as proper nouns. Rich, pregnant words that describe His nature, His personality and some of His attributes.


Isaiah 9:6 nlt  “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. And the government will rest on his shoulders. These will be his royal titles: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”  More than a mindless nickname; titles that describe His nature. Attributes that can be accessed and enjoyed by believers.


Matthew 1:23 nlt “Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and he will be called Immanuel (meaning, God is with us).” This is the most amazing title of them all—Immanuel—God with us. God is so big and yet He wants to live with us. In spite of our finiteness. Amazing! Only God would think of that! As I reflect on all that that means I must respond in praise. I must respond in awe to the beauty of Who He is and Who He wants to become in my life.


His name is powerful. There’s healing in His name. There’s victory in His name. At His name every knee will bow. Man’s rebellious cursing and blaspheming His name doesn’t dent it or void it of its power. His name is above every name. His name is the only name that can save us from our sins. His name is Jesus. Immanuel. Savior. Healer. Lover of my soul!


I wear His name when I’m called a Christian. I bear His name when I follow His commands. I reflect His name when I love the unloveable. I speak His name instead of fear. I whisper His name in worship. I worship His name in deep adoration. I bow to His name in surrender. That name that is above every name!


Thank you God for sending Jesus. For giving us the opportunity to know you and walk with you and to enjoy your presence. Your presence brings peace. It brings the influence of all you are into our lives. Let us live our lives under the influence of your peace, your joy, your love. Reflecting your nature, your name into our circumstances, into our homes and neighborhoods, so that Jesus will be exalted and glorified in our lives! Let your name be magnified everywhere I go!


I’d love to hear from you. What does His name mean to you.


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Great Family Devotions for the Christmas Season at Focus on the Family  or


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Christmas Joy?

Christmas Joy?

 God's wants each of us to experience great joy through the gift of His son Jesus We ministered in Tallahassee this weekend at Freedom Church. My dear friends Kyle and Becky Alford are the Family and Children’s pastors there. They are passionate God chasers that are shaping lives with the Word of God.  I was invited to minister to the parents during the Sunday School hour, the church family in the main worship service and Children’s Ministry Leaders late that afternoon. My day was packed with loving people, excited believers and a sense of faith that permeated everything they do. It is a wonderful church that is impacting lives with the love of God and the Truth of God’s Word.


My day was literally filled with special, memorable moments and people, still one little guy was extra special. His mom  introduced each of her three children by name and they greeted me politely. (Don’t you just love it when children have good manners!) The least little fellow bubbled, “Do you know how many days until Christmas?”


I asked, “How many days?”


His answer exploded from his mouth, “Twenty-three days!” While I don’t know much about this little guy beyond the fact that he was absolutely adorable, my guess is, there is ONE thing driving his excitement and it’s not the meal they’ll eat at lunchtime.  I’m guessing that his excitement has something to do with the presents.


I remember that same excitement from my children. In order to savor their joy and excitement, we took turns opening presents. Wayne and I wanted to watch them open their presents, and if we didn’t have them take turns they ripped everything open at once and we didn’t get to see it. Their excitement is still etched in the halls of my most treasured memories. They would jump and scream and hoot and holler when they opened their gifts. Sometimes they would run and hug us; sometimes they wouldn’t want to open anything else because they wanted to play with the toy they had just opened. Of course, the shirts and pants never got quite that kind of reaction, but the toys sure did.

 God's wants each of us to experience great joy through the gift of His son Jesus

It’s a funny thing though, as I think about it, all those toys that brought them so much joy are gone now. Jason has a few of his GI Joe soldiers and Kimberly may still have Katherine, one of her special dolls, but all the other toys are long gone. Broken. Lost. Given away. Thrown away. Those toys don’t bring them joy now…because like everyone else, when we grow up; our desires change–we change. Gifts don’t bring the excitement they once did.


For an adult it is so easy to allow Christmas to be wrapped in the drudgery of responsibly. Gottta buy the gifts-can we afford it? Got to bake the cookies–where will I find the time? Got to put up the tree–isn’t anybody going to help me? Ahhh! Got to buy more gifts–what  do they want–I hate the crowds! Got to wrap the presents-I’ll be glad when Christmas is over! No excitement! No joy! Just a whirlwind of activity!


While I believe there are some practical suggestions that I can offer and I will at the bottom of this blog, I am convinced that Christmas joy is for everyone and the instructions that the angels gave the shepherds in Luke 2 are appropriate for you today.


Luke 2:10 nlt but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news of great joy for everyone!


  1. Don’t be afraid. No matter what you are going through, what your situation is–don’t be afraid. Trust in God. He has the answer.
  2. Embrace the good news. Receive the joy.
  3. Find Jesus. (Luke 2:12 nlt And this is how you will recognize him:) v16 They ran to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger.
  4. Share Jesus. v17 nlt Then the shepherds told everyone what had happened
  5. Worship Jesus. v20 nlt The shepherds went back to their fields and flocks, glorifying and praising God


Some practical suggestions are:

  1. Set a realistic budget or limit of what you will spend and stick with it!
  2. Don’t try to do everything by yourself! Give everyone in your family a job and do it together. Make it fun. Decorate while listening to Christmas music and the promise of eggnog and sugar cookies when they are done.
  3. Don’t go crazy with the decorations, the cooking or the cleaning. Relax. Do your best without making yourself and everyone around you crazy!


Enjoy Christmas. Enjoy your family. Laugh together. Stop and smell the Christmas tree, unless it’s artificial, then maybe not

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Crazy Black Friday Shopping Pursuits

Crazy Black Friday Shopping

Were you one of the crazies that fought the crowds to find that perfect gift on Black Friday? It’s a tradition and a team sport at my house. We started pouring over the ads online, Monday night. It was important to map out our route, so we don’t waste a single minute. I prefer getting […]

Carry Your Camera- Gratitude

While the Thanksgiving holiday is behind us, it’s warmth and essence are more fragrant today that they were Thursday. Let me explain.


When I discovered that Kimberly’s three fledglings would be out of school on Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I asked if I could borrow them. I had been planning crafts and things we could do together for several weeks. While none of my pictures come close to Pinterest quality, the memories we made were awesome. They made popsicle stick puppets, then moved from one craft to another where they painted and glued and created. It was messy. It was wonderful.


We made Indian Teepees from Pinterest. I should have read the directions more closely, because the cones tipped and leaked into my oven. (No, the smoke alarm didn’t go off, because I took it down. I’m tired of being the Smoke Alarm Queen.) Sorry, Kimberly, I know that doesn’t make you too happy. But think about it this way, they made it safely home…so no worries.


Karyn made her first pie crust all by herself from scratch! Way to go, girl! It was flakey and delicious!




Brayden and Ashlyn helped me arrange flowers for Kimberly’s table.

2012-11-21 arranging-flowers-together


It was sooo much fun! They cleaned up behind themselves.It just doesn’t get any better, but then it did.  Ashlyn came up to me and asked, “Would you mind if I vacuumed your floor?” I though I heard the Hallelujah Chorus right then and there! Hallelujah! Yes, baby, you just have at it!


We decided to go for a walk.I didn’t know God was going to use Ashlyn again, as He has on so many occasions to talk to me. They had been inside all day, so it was time for some exercise. Ashlyn handed me the camera as we put on our shoes to go outside with the instruction, “Here take this.”


“Why do I need the camera?” I asked. “We’re just going to walk down the street. We’re not going anywhere except right here in the neighborhood!”


Her twinkling smile was convincing,”In case we see something special,Nana.”


We walked a few houses down the street, “Show me something special,” I asked Ashlynn.


She flashed that big grin at her Nana and pointed to the mailbox. “Take a picture of the mailbox, Nana.”



So I did. It’s a beautiful mailbox. I’d never seen it before. I chuckled; because all these years that I’ve lived in this house, I’d never noticed that beautiful mailbox.



Again, she pointed and I clicked. “Look Nana, see the flower…


and the fountain ….


By this time, Brayden had joined the search…is the fruit ripe yet? …referring to the loquat tree at the entrance of the neighborhood.


“Take a picture of the roses, Nana.”look-nana-roses


She was right my neighborhood was filled with special things! Thank you, Ashlyn for helping me to see them. They are special. Gifts of beauty–from God–there for me to enjoy, but I hurry past without even noticing until with tiny fingers she points them out to me. Pleasures, simple pleasures, but I have to see them, to enjoy them. 


I respond with heartfelt gratitude and glee (Does that sound like too strong a word for such little things? Not when you’re seeing the beauty through the eyes of a child! Or when you see every little thing as a gift from God.), “Thank you God for sweet smelling velvet roses on a late November day. Thank you God for a childish reminder to notice special things, so I can savor them. Thank you a little hand inside mine, skipping alongside me as I tried to remember how to skip…and I did. Thank you God, for Brayden racing ahead, you know he’s our miracle boy, jumping across the drain grate at the pond and calling to Ashlyn to do the same—and she did!



Then Ashlyn’s words were driven home again Saturday evening when I started reading Ann Voskamp’s “One Thousand Gifts”. I read it aloud to Wayne all the way to church and then he finished it aloud to me later. She shares her story of counting…of finding God in the moments and finding His grace everywhere. She says, “There is a way to live the big of giving thanks in all things. It is this: to give thanks in this one small thing. The moments will add up.”


In her journey to stop, see and savor one thousand gifts she discovers that thankfulness is the seed of miracles and joy. This book helped me see a different side of Jesus; a different side of Daniel–the thankful side. As I ran with her through the wheat fields to watch a harvest moon, sort the laundry and wash sinks full of dirty dishes I wept tears of gratitude for the ordinary. For God’s love gifts that turn my ordinary into a cathedral of praise and worship.


Yes, the Thanksgiving holiday is behind me. We polished off the last bite of turkey and dressing.The only thing left is some sweet potato pie, but thanks giving isn’t over at the Holland House…thanks to Ashlyn and Ann it just got ramped up! And yes, Ashlyn, I’ll remember to take my camera because there is something special everywhere I go!


 Points to ponder:

Gratitude opens the heart to receive God’s love gifts. But you have to see them before you can be thankful for them.



This really is an awesome book and would make great gifts too! One Thousand Gifts one-thousand-gifts 3

Ten Warnings that Could Save Your Thanksgiving or Christmas for that Matter

Experiencing His Glory


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They Knew They Were Pilgrims

They Knew They Were Pilgrims




When I think about the pilgrim’s landing at Plymouth Rock I am drawn down memory lane to our visit to the fabulous Plimouth Plantation. (A wonderful trip for families!) Although we have experienced numerous living villages, the Plimouth Plantation remains my favorite. Probably because of the painful story that I am about to share.


Like most of the living history museums we have loved across the nation, artisans were employed in their trades. Farmer were caring for their sheep. Children were picking vegetables from small gardens inside the fences that surrounded the little thatched hut houses. Women were cooking over smoky fire pits. Every living museum demonstrate these events, but Plimouth Plantation takes historical reality one step farther. Each actors assumes the name and personality of a real person that actually lived at Plimouth. As a guest you are invited to interact with the residents of the tiny colony. Their response to your comments and questions are seasoned by the personality, culture and beliefs of the person they are representing. You are invited to enter the open doors of their homes and chat with them as they walk and work.Jason and Kimberly were fascinated, but not any more than I was. I was captured and intrigued by the flower bearing herbs , crooked neck squash and tiny tomatoes that grew in their yards.


Wayne and I meander through museums at different speeds, because of our different interest. Wayne lingers to watch blacksmiths or tanners, while I linger over gardens and food. My son Jason shares my love of food! Wayne took Kimberly with him, and I took Jason with me. As lunch time approached the men and children trudged through muddy paths homeward where they would eat lunch. Everyone shared my curiosity—what did they eat?  How did they cook it? What would they eat it from?Wayne started inside the one roomed home and motioned for us to join him. By the time I got to the door, the door way was full.  People stood on tip-toes or twisted around each other to watch the pilgrim family eat. There was no way for neither Jason or I to see anything. When I spotted a window on the other side of the tiny house, I told Jason to follow me.


And much to his chagrin, he obeyed. We stood at the window peering inside. Now we could see everything. The man sat in a simple wood chair, while his wife dipped the steaming contents from a pot and onto plates.  The man looked up from us plate and out the window-straight at us. Clearly, I remember the surprise in his voice. “Oh my! We have window peepers. Proper visitors enter the door and don’t gawk at the window. Please, join us inside.”


Proper visitor? I was in my museum mode…gawking, reading and learning. I forgot I was a guest. Jason was beet red with embarrassment and at the moment I had to have been redder. Poor child, he never let me forget how badly I embarrassed him. From time to time, he’s reminded me of my etiquette blunder.


One of the mantras of the Plimouth Plantation is “They knew they were pilgrims.”

Samuel Palmer - Study of a Pilgrim - Google Art Project


And they did. They knew they were pilgrims. They thought like pilgrims. They planned like pilgrims. They lived like pilgrims. But what made them pilgrims? It wasn’t their funny looking hats or the strange clothes they wore. Not even the foods they ate or the culture they came from. It wasn’t their religious affiliation or their lavish inheritances or their empty bellies.


It’s what they did, their journey, their search for a place where they would have the freedom to worship God  that made them pilgrims. They left their homes, their relatives, their culture, their normal for God.They traveled to a strange land with strange foods, to live among people that spoke a language they didn’t understand. Their faith propelled and sustained them. Their discipline and commitment energized them. Other travelers came to this new world, but they failed. Why did the pilgrims succeed? Let’s look at the writing of George Cuthber Blaxland in his book “Mayflower” for an explanation.



And so we pause in our review of the causes by which the Pilgrim Fathers of New Plymouth were able to bring their Colony through storm and trouble to a position of stability and success, where so many failed. The causes lay in the men themselves, in their resolution, their industry, their sober self-control, their faithfulness to one another,  and their maintenance of a high standard of righteousness in their dealings with their fellow-colonists and with the Indians. They succeeded because they deserved to succeed. The qualities for which we admire them and by which they deserved and won success sprang from a root which lay yet deeper. It sprang from a sincere devotion to the service of God and the belief in His sustaining power and protecting arm. The spirit of faith and of the love of God breathes in every page of our author’s manuscript (Gov. Bradford), and in this he is, we may well believe, the representative of those whose history he records. And it is this spirit which gives its Epic character to the history which he relates, for it is an Epic of the ways of God with men, of the vindication of His faithfulness to those who trust in Him. “Taken from “Mayflower” essays on the story of the Pilgrim fathers as told in Governor Bradford’s ms  George Cuthbert Blaxland, John Smith (Accessed from Google Books)



Are you a pilgrim? Look with me at  Hebrews 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. 14 For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. 15 And truly,if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out , they might have had opportunity to have returned . 16 But now they desire a better country, that is , an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

If you are a believer—you are a pilgrim.

Think like one…live like one…believe like one.


Realize you are a pilgrim. This earth is not your home. You’re headed somewhere.

Pilgrims are headed somewhere better. This life is a dressing room for heaven.

Pilgrims look where they’re going, not where they are or where they’ve been. Don’t look around you or behind you. Look to Christ.

Pilgrims are willing to pay the price, work hard or even suffer for God. Diligence. Faithfulness. Committed. Self-control. All describe a pilgrim.

Pilgrims trust God.


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Turkey Day? Really? How About Thanksgiving?

Turkey Day? Really?


The turkey seems to be the official symbol of Thanksgiving. Not that I’m against turkeys, as a matter of fact I love them.  I married one. LOL Honest, I love them.. on my plate, right beside the dressing. No, seriously I do love turkeys. Our woods are full of them. I hear loud gobbles almost every morning as I sit on my back porch having my devotions. I counted about thirteen of them as I walked down a trail. They were zigging and zagging their way up from a stream flanked on both sides by steep banks. I stopped to watch them amble and feed, but when they spotted me these brown, big birds with their distinct forward head-thrust reeved into a power walk and then burst heavenward into flight.

I love turkeys, because my grandchildren love turkeys. Jason joined us and the grandkids at the cabin one day. The grandkids wanted to see turkeys. It was a little late in the morning, but we loaded into the car and began to drive up and down the hills straining our eyes to spot one or two of the masters of camouflage that filled our woods. Jason spotted three turkeys. So with passion akin to his mother’s, he ordered us to stop. Jason grabbed Brayden, who was pretty small at the time, and began to run in the direction of the turkeys, just so Brayden could get close enough to see one. Jason didn’t know that those skinny birds can run twenty miles an hour and burst into flight speeds of 50 miles an hour. Brayden didn’t see the turkeys, but we made a memory.


I love turkeys, honest I do, but turkey day? If you’re a hunter I understand your enthusiasm, but if you’re talking about Thanksgiving…really? A turkey…the symbol of Thanksgiving?


OK! You think they’re cute. Have you actually seen a turkey? They don’t make my list of cute…interesting–very… cute–not so much! Delicious? Now you’re talking my language. I can’t wait to pile my plate with potatoes and gravy, southern cornbread dressing and yes, I’ll have turkey on my plate, especially since Jason is smoking the turkey this year! I love smoked turkey.


Maybe a turkey should be the symbol of thanksgiving, because a whole lot of gobbling will be going on! Most of us will gobble our way through the green bean casserole, the sweet potatoes with toasted marshmallows, and through the homemade bread and right on through the carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Gobble. Gobble. Gobble.


I get it and I do it. I gobble, gobble on Thanksgiving Day. I always gobble way too much!  But gobbling is only part of the celebration, not the reason, not the symbol, not my sign! I will celebrate with good food, great friends and some of my family. But I will do more than celebrate. I will be grateful.


I will Stop. Drop. And thank. And that’s not a Southern way to say think, although you might have to listen close when I say it. I will stop my gobbling. Drop my fork and thank God for His blessings, His love. Thanksgiving is not a noun, it’s a verb! It’s not about gobbling, it’s about giving thanks. The name is still Thanks Giving isn’t it? Thanksgiving doesn’t need a symbol, it needs action. People that will live it out in their everyday lives all year long. Giving Thanks!


I’ll leave my Thanksgiving table full. But when I am grateful, it leaves my heart full too.


And I am so thankful! Thankful for Jesus who died to save us from our sins. Thankful for my husband, my children, their mates and their children. Thankful for my pastors Jimmy & Esther Wilder. Thankful for all my friends that read my blog. So thankful for so many blessings and yes…for turkeys! It’s going to be sooo good… on my plate right beside the dressing!

Ten Warnings That Could Save Your Thanksgiving.

Ten Warnings That Could Save Your Thanksgiving.

The chances are great that there will be many cooks making their very first Thanksgiving meal this year. I’ve written this blog because I want to help both them and you avoid some cooking blunders that could ruin your Thanksgiving. I must admit, my only claim to fame is “Making the Smoke Alarm Go Off the Most Times in One Year”. And maybe I should tell you that when my children were little, they always ended their blessing with the words, “…and please God, make it good” And while my only qualification for blogging about food is that I like to eat, I still want to share my “Ten Warnings to Save Your Thanksgiving.” Please pay very careful attention to each of them.


ten warnings that could save your thanksgiving 


   1. Do defrost your turkey before you pop it in the oven and no, it will not defrost in 30 minutes.

   2. Spaghetti O’s is not a vegetable and it does not go with turkey.

   3. Dressing the turkey does not require a visit to your favorite clothing store.

   4. Forget your Cracker Jack days: Do not leave that little bag inside the turkey. It is not the prize.

   5. Do not set the table with personalized barf bags.

   6. Do not carve the turkey with a chainsaw, even if it is still a little frozen.

   7. Do not fry the turkey inside the house.

   8. Do not put the antacid on the table. But be sure you have some on hand.

   9. If guest will be spending the afternoon, do not serve beans or sweet potatoes.

   10. Do not leave the dog to guard the food while you greet your guests at the door. When someone calls them guard dogs, they are not referring to food.


Can I add one more? Can I make that, Eleven Warnings That Could Save Your Thanksgiving?”  This one is more important than all the rest–“Don’t make Thanksgiving all about the food. OK, maybe that’s what you would expect from someone that is the Smoke Alarm Queen. If your day is only about food, you may feel full and filled, but your day will fall short of FULL FILLING its purpose. Make Thanksgiving about giving thanks.  Express your gratefulness to God.


When you do, everything tastes better. I like that thought—maybe there’s hope for my cooking after all! Blessings on you and your cooking this Thanksgiving!

ten warnings that could save your thanksgivingBrayden, my little Jedidah is my kinda cook!


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