Tales from my Sea Shore Table Setting- My Table Talks
This table setting reminds me of sea glass…shards of glass that are polished and tumbled by waves pounding them against the sand.Glass that is tumbled again and again until their edges are smooth and the color is hazed. When life pounds me with trouble, I expect to be polished like that sea glass. I want something good to be produced in my character as a result of the tough times in life.

I made the wreath for the door and decided it was too delicate for the door (Silly excuse, huh?); so I saved it for the table. I used the pull through method that is found all over Pinterest. I stacked three colors of ribbon and 6″ aqua colored tulle and pulled it through each row of a Dollar Tree wreath frame. Instead of the typical three bunches in each slot, I pulled through five bunches because the ribbon was only about an inch and a half wide. The show stopper in this wreath was the irediscent ribbon that I have had forever! I added the shells from my collection. I even added a plastic sea turtle…cause I love sea turtles not because it really goes with it! I added splashes (It is a nautical wreath.) of navy blue ribbon so I could use the navy blue plates.

The chargers are from “and That!”store(christmastreeshops.com). White with layers of ocean colored blues.I added a fat white plate with a ribboned edge, then the seashell navy blue luncheon plate from “and That!” too.

The napkin rings are thrift store treasures. Muted blue colored tropical fish with yellow stripes and tail sporting a Zoro (Remember that series from the black and white TV days?) black masked face. The napkins have whimsical seas creatures on an aqua background. They pull all the blues together beautifully.

The fat, iridescent turquoise jug inside the wreath and the glasses with the iridescent gold stripe makes the whole table feel happy. The table reflects the light like a flickering candle.

I’m sitting at my table as I write.
The sunlight is filtering through the trees and light is pouring through the windows. I tried to see through the wavy stripe of gold on the glasses on my table; but I couldn’t really see much at all. Just a fuzzy outline was all I could make out.

Paul, in the Bible, used trying to see through a piece of glass as an illustration in 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
When you look at your life, there are probably lots of things that don’t make sense to you right now. Things that trouble you, disappoint you, maybe some of those things that have even broken your heart or rattled your faith.

While there are things we don’t understand, we need to remember our viewpoint only allows us to see from our perspective and that is like seeing through a dark lens. That viewpoint doesn’t allow us to see everything. And because we can’t see the whole picture, we need to trust God. He is good; even when our circumstances aren’t. I refuse to live under the circumstances, when Jesus died to make me an overcomer. How about you?

I want to leave three things with you.

1. We live in a broken world.
Broken by sin.
Broken by rebellion against God.
God gets blamed for all kinds of things that He didn’t do. Sin has done terrible things to our world.
2. We are in a war!
Satan comes to separate you from the love of God. He wants you to believe lies that undermine your faith. God is not the enemy; anything that separates us from God is the real enemy.
3. This world and everything in it is temporary.
You are an eternal being. You will live forever somewhere. The choice between life and death; heaven and hell are real choices with real consequences.
John 3:36 NLT New Living Translation
And anyone who believes in God’s Son has eternal life. Anyone who doesn’t obey the Son will never experience eternal life but remains under God’s angry judgment.”
I look for the best in situations, but my hope in Christ goes beyond this life. The most important part of living this life is to enjoy eternal life through Jesus Christ our Savior. That comes from believing on Him and confessing Him as Lord and boss of our life.
1 Corinthians 15:19 New King James Version
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.